Monday, 30 December 2013

The Winged Bull

The Winged Bull By Dion Fortune. 0352397209So what am I reading at the moment ? Well Ive finally got round to reading some Dion Fortune again , in fact her final novel The Winged Bull . I am barely a chapter in and up crops a character who randomly picks up a book by J.C Jung about the subconscious and is amazed as on the cover is an image he has just seen as a statue the day before ( a synchronicity that I guess will be revealed later in the book ) Well it gave me a shock to as Jung has been very much on my mind , and having found a reference to him in another story I read by A . Crowley that was so revealing personally , I regard this twist as a personal synchronicity with bells on !
  As I said a few weeks ago and discussed with another blogger , I thought Jung's theory's were pretty much the essence of " magic " or very near a parallel at least . As I read further into the book I feel I will be proved right....  


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