Monday, 30 December 2013

So whats the plan ?

Ive just come to a crashing realisation . What are we all looking for on line ? We are looking for something that we didn't feel the need for or find important before the Internet exploded into our everyday lives . Yes I think most readers of this blog will remembers those days . Today there is no going back . The evils its brought are all consuming ( you know im right ) but the benefits of a wider connection can be beneficial .
   Why do I publish my inner thoughts to a random audience ? Why do others also ? Because necessity is the mother of all invention . Real life doesn't give usually opportunities ( mine anyway ) to have deep conversations , This is the problem . We want to connect to like minded people . We throw this to the hand of fate , strangely .
   If you are of a similar age to me and you are thrashing around trying to grasp at some kind of everyday satisfaction I suggest this is always going to be so for the rest of your days  . It will be this way for me anyway , and I guess it will be for others . So whats the plan for us like minded types eh ? We may be half way through our lives and we are still not completely poised . A plan is needed . All this thrashing needs consolidating into a mind set of some use .
  I have a theory that being conscious for over 40 years causes a build up of stress . Not so long ago life expectancy was 45 !  By then it was all over . Today its just really getting going ! By the time we die just think of all the extra mental input and energy we will have expended compared to 150 years ago ! This maybe the curse of our age ...

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