Last night was a rather odd night . I woke up with a very unpleasant feeling that I can best describe as total discord . It wasn't nice as I could just remember the last image I dreamt before waking . It was a figure but out of focus somehow .Sometimes you know when a dream is more than just a dream . Ive said before sometimes I feel ive had a " busy " night . Ive also had dreams that are quite simply " attacks " and you wake tired . Sometimes you can feel you've achieved something on waking . For example , winning a struggle . Ive dream explicit dreams of a physical struggle for my life against another human being , once against something behind a black fabric I could not see . Ive always won . In them I feel I must win to survive . Its intense . The feeling of struggle for survival is crystal clear in them . They are rare . I believe they are important . Are they on an astral plane ? I don't know but they don't feel like dreams . They feel like a dark force . Victory feels good on waking of course .
On a lighter note later on I woke up laughing later in the early hours ! Really laughing . I cant remember what the dream was but it really must have amused that is rare !!!
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