Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Truth and reconciliation

 I was never popular growing up . I felt the usual stereotype stuff , but something was never right . Relationships were void as I werent a whole person back then . I spent so much time worrying . Some social situations still haunt me today when i get into certain situations things flood back .
 One part of my life was especially cruel meaning peoples first impressions were wrong , very wrong . This was the most horrific mental situation possible so i buried it for years . Now its subsiding as i get older and have a daughter . But seeing my close family's teenagers growing up brings stuff back to me . I guess everyone has this though .
 About 2010 something changed . I felt it in the air . Saw it in people . A concrete change of atmosphere is the only words i can use . A new chapter . This had nothing to do with relationships . It wasnt about me directly , but  could see old restrictive situations were over and the old guard was dead . I felt a huge expanse of space ahead of me . About then I had an event that triggered my mystic experiences . This almost finished me but led  me to who i am today . 
 Right now im in a big transition again . Who ive always destined ( oooh pretentious ) to be is coming ! As sure as everywhere i go water gurns in pipes in turmoil . THIS STUFF IS REAL !   Im different and people embrace this . I worry this blog is a self assassination .I also dont give a damn . Ive learnt that some things must be worked through and not buried . 
 Ive very much enjoyed reading a like minded blog  recently .  Im very impressed !Ive never felt comfortable at any stage of my life and i never will . Its too late after the start i had and this jolted me onto a different track enabling me to experience some esoteric things . Im not miserable . I am not a wreck . I am uncomfortable but technically lifes OK  . I have depression in periods to be honest but i have many friends and family on pills ( which i am not ) so i judge myself quite lucky . I am an anomaly.....As i get older my only regret is life draws people into your sphere you wish you'd met years ago . Thats a joke of the cosmos of course  !!!

Facebook damnation 2

If you really value someone  keep the f**** off facebook as it will devour anything of any intensity other than the purile . Technical and circumstantial difficulties on line will soon have your friendship in deficit . So thats a real friendship devalued by a unsubstantiated medium . VERY DANGEROUS !!! Your reality is in danger After a while I keep forgetting this . A blog is a different matter , its more intimate because ironically you have less interaction with people !  Im enjoying blogging after a year and must say ive been surprised finding a like minded soul on here ! I mean how many " my family type bloggs " can you stand ?

Drifting sideways: Facebook and damnation

Drifting sideways: Facebook and damnation: Face book was created by the Devil around the turn of the Millennium . He figured the best way to corrupt a soul was to give people a little...

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Doing the maths

This blog is like algebra . I state   X   +  ?   = Y           What I cant write on hear ( but would like to ) is too personal , but those like minded to me can probably do the maths !!!  Ahhh that sounds a bit cheesy but I find the best things in life usually are.LOL    

The image i can not use

Changing my fb profile picture to an angel based image results in my  chat function shutting down . It did again tonight as it did last year . The image was a comedy one brandishing a uzi machine gun  .  Delete picture and on my chat function comes again . I guess images have more power than we give credit . I know this sounds silly but it is true . I worry telling the truth damages my credibility on here but the truth must be told . Of course you will just have to accept this fact as honest . Again at my time of life lying to get attention would just be pathetic . So images have power . I shouldn't really be surprised .

Monday, 29 July 2013

My current bubble

Feeling crap tonight and stuck in a rut . Its a cool night with a hint of the end of summer in the air , not Autumnal though , just a hint of it . Sunnier weather will see a return of the summer light and gone will be this illusion . Thing is im stuck in a place again , or a mood or a chapter , or maybe a sphere of perception which repeats its self as it did last summer . In it I loose all faith I shall  again enjoy the company of a friend again  . It feels so bleak and final and once before  I opened my eyes to the patterns of life I would have given up in a sulk , but Ive seen the signs in my life that this situation shall pass again as it did last year . A sequence of people turn up in my sphere .A chain of happenings opens up a procedure...
 It is an artificial situation of obstruction that serves a purpose that i cant fathom . Why am I tormented like this ? It feels orchestrated and when it passes ( and it will ) I'll look back on it with little consideration or importance but right now its uncomfortable . Sometimes life drags people away from you with such a sophisticated matrix of events you can only smile as you see a  " divine hand " in the proceedings . This phrase loads a moral tone though and is misleading but its the only phrase i can think of to describe obstruction . Now heres the crunch point ! I must go through it . I shall go through it because its on a path . A path leads from A to point B   . Obstacles on the path can be dealt with and will be again . My lower self is despondent  but my higher self knows its a temporary upset even though I accept it may not be ! Sounds stupid ? This is proof of a higher self . The contradiction proves this .
 Funnily once I wanted to do something and it felt scary and every part of me said no , this just doesnt feel like the right time but I did it anyway because inside it felt correct . The conflict in me was over powering but my higher self pulled me through and it was the right thing to do in the end . Yes when youre lucky enough to be in touch with this higher side you can beat life's odds making the correct decisions . I guess Crowleys " Do what thou whilst shall be the whole of the law means "  This doesnt mean do what you want , If means follow your true path or your higher self im sure . Doing what you want is easy . Following your true path is hard .Rarely can I use this higher self yet . It takes courage and insulation from the everyday and I couldnt keep that up for years , but nobody can and remain sane . Compromise and a measured application when needed is the key I guess . Oh that'll be simple then ....

Sunday, 28 July 2013

What im missing

Its funny how suddenly you realise your close friends aren't that close today . I had several but due to them being busy with relationships Ive lost that ( for the moment anyway ) .. Another life long friendship was lost permanently   due to the person turning on me . These were people I found the opportunity to really confide in . Not just chatter but really tell the dark stuff too . Some may be back in that capacity again i hope , while some will be around in a more mundane manor . People of this calibre are not replaced at my time of life . They are now temporally unavailable for personal conversations . This isnt any ones fault and Its just life .
  Someone once wrote that  some people are like vitamins . A small regular dose keeps you healthy but withdraw that dose for any prolonged period and the consequences are altogether more serious . When you have found such a person you will know by how you feel when you dont see them , not when you do !!! Once you meet your Archetype there is no going back . This person will change your life . What follows is compulsory as you are powerless to just run away , so on you explore . It can get rocky , it can unlock the unseen . It may well as Gareth Knight wrote destroy you permanently if the other person rejects your view of them as a soul mate . If they accept then apparently you can say to hell with the conventions of life  . I have . Its a road for the brave.
 I should write a book . Sounds arrogant ? Write a book to share my experiences , not to display any profound academic knowledge or wisdom . I have none . Ive read a few esoteric books , not a lot , but I have had / seen some strange events you wouldn't believe and they are to me anyway worthy of someones interest somewhere who maybe just beginning this journey themselves . As I read more books I see im on a path thats been travelled before . Its still relevant today but faith and my stamina is tested . Like all of us i need the occasional sign  to buck me up !

Saturday, 27 July 2013

Not holding back here

Its a very strange night . A wind has got up after the heatwave and a thundery storm of torrential rain is working its way North slowly up the country . I feel in a no mans land tonight . Unsure about the past and even more unsure of the future . Why do we drift so far without realising it or been aware of it happening ? Time keeps on flowing as I struggle . This is the kind of un easiness im growing tired of ...on I go though towards some kind of deliverance . I need what I need and I must achieve it .
  Spent the afternoon playing with my daughter and her growing is ramming home the point all is moving on . I know this is so but i need confirmation of this in other areas of my life to get the whole picture . This is my current problem , enabling these areas to be re-visited

Friday, 26 July 2013

A ramble

It will soon be August and the nights are are little duller and moist . Dews are getting heavier and dusks are darker and the trees a darker shade of green . A murky mauve twilight is the sign summer has passed its half way mark . Soon a night chill will  spur us all into action suggesting Autumn is approaching and new ideas will spring into our minds as a natural process starts as we join the path to winter , my favourite time !
 Cool clear starry nights , near constant moon views lighting up the clouds orange and yellow . Im not a summer person as someone recently pointed out , but the heavy thundery down pours recently are my cup of tea and the nights will soon be pulling in .....

Thursday, 18 July 2013

This is an increasingly important question as life trundles on ;  IF YOU DONT BLOW YOUR OWN TRUMPET WHO IS GONNA DO IT FOR YOU ?  

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Pulling the strings of the mind ?

In order to gain something you must first appear too loose it  . Then you can work to acquire it . This struggle will further enhance the experience of what you desire especially if the appearance of loosing said situation  is an unfortunate self delusion . Nice. The struggle is win ,win then when the increased momentum kicks in .
 They say to throw a good punch you must imagine your enemy standing a pace further away from you than they are to give said swing extra oomph . Yep that could work mentally too .... My first home grown philosophy and I like it . This is the start of something for sure . Do you ever feel you have done or thought in a certain way before ?  Instinctively .

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Simple Simon

Today ive been sweating in the hot sun shearing sheep . I have not being emotional , I have not been deep , I have not been mystical . There is however a full moon coming .... See that didn't last long did it ? Anyway to tired to think tonight but I am getting acclimatized to this heatwave.
  Im particularly enjoying reading some short stories by Aliester Crowley . They are about his alter ego Simon Iff . A wise old man , a mystic and magician . Very entertaining just for a casual read . I will put some quotes I find funny on here soon . Cant seem to put this book down at the moment . Its fantastic to read a good book on a nice summers night when the work is done . A good distraction . I have started reading his fiction first because its a good way to get into a writers mindset and then later its a bit easier to see where the writer comes from in their non- fictional essays and books of which i am sure there are many...

Sunday, 14 July 2013

The eternal sea.....

Who is preaching to who on the blog scene ?   Am i the only one who isnt preaching to the converted ? LOL

Only happy when it rains ?

A strangely hot uneasy summer it is . Why has been baffling me until today . We have had a year of appalling wet weather beyond anything seen before  and now we have a heatwave as of the type we had when I was at school . Expectations are high . Weather forecasters hype the heat as though it will deliver us from all life's problems . The way they sell it it you'd think the sun was a cure all . In reality its too hot , people are tired and eventually after a while it becomes draining and shortens your patience .

Monday, 8 July 2013

The door that hath no key ?

Life dull ? Fantasy's not real ? Its all a matter of perception . The Esoteric  mystical side of life has the distractions and the anti-dote to the drudgery of the everyday  but and this is a big but I'm afraid  there is no guaranteed entry through that ' door ' or magical key to gain entry , however much your soul is needing it . A situation will trigger a starting point . Strong emotions of meeting an Archetypal person or extreme fear or danger of death say during war have been said by writers such as Dion Fortune to provide the trigger . This experience will be unpleasant ... one as equal as the other i guess without sounding flippant i hope ! Im now 42 and only now have I started to see the hidden ( i wont use the O word !!! ) side of life around me .
  Of course all experiences are subjective . In fact things can be and not be at the same time ! An example of this I like to use is to consider a close  friendship you have with someone  . You are close to someone but are they close to you ? You will NEVER know so you live ' as if ' its true . You have to take it on faith . This is the ONLY way to live ! The truth is HIDDEN but you don't need to see it to know its there ... This idea is called Kether . The seen and unseen . It allows us to not go mad in analysis searching  for proof . It allows us to see events of supernatural happening without mundane reasoning obliterating them with our  narrow minded thoughts  . A dangerous idea   ? No, not when used in religion apparently is used to suppress all logical explaining away of religious experiences . Faith concurs all ! So if its good enough for religion its  a valid  out look for me . People don't like this idea when  its applied to justify  mystical things and Christians  get very annoyed  .  Besides time will confirm if you were ' right ' as future events unfurl . You will NEVER see clearly unless you use some element of Kether or faith . Maybe to reason as a child as the Bible says is the key to happiness ? Possibly.....
 By now your thinking I'm mad ? This idea is more than fantasy because it begins with something very real in your life that leads to more blurry boundaries . When they blur just carry on . Not all who wander are lost ...

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

A sad discovery

I recently came across an abandoned blog written by someone who said they had moved on from the time of life that made writing the blog  so essential . A blog is a tool . It has undercurrents and complex reasons behind what appears on it . It is a measurement of a mood or season in your life . This made me think back to what spurred me into action and how far i have come.... Its a sad thought to consider that one day i may '  move on '  and no longer find my blogs relevant .Well there is no hope of that for a while at least....