Wednesday, 19 April 2023

Two Davids

 No, not even a trip to my usual chip shop cafe can be normal tonight. After eating I noticed a random chipping on the chair opposite me, followed by a couple entering and deciding on finding a table, one of whom was called David. Having myself just asked the waitress to turn the racket ( music ) down I was amazed at what happened next. He, David suggested to his wife that they sat in the corner right under the speaker. Next she said " You dont want to sit there, because, you know..." and she pointed to his ears. They then moved to the far end of the cafe and as far away from the speaker as possible.

A glitch in the matrix ?

I find it hard to believe this is just coincidence. Its mechanical and designed to get my attention.


  1. Wow, now that is remarkable. I have a friend named David by the way, and he reminds me of you in a way.
