Thursday, 20 April 2023

And then this happened last night as well !

At about 10.30pm I heard a horrible thud and the sound of breaking glass. Something was definitely wrong. I found this sky light had shattered on the inside pane of glass. I had walked under it 15 minutes before as I went to bed.

Ive known glass randomly shatter before. One a cup exploded at my inlaws house and a large tractor glass door shattered during the night for no reason. A window in my shed broke with a crash too a while ago. The above sky light was perspex I think so the pressure to break it would be more. Add to the fact its double glazed...I wonder if the air inside expanded ? 

Tonight I put on some eye protection and took any loose glass out ( or whatever it is ) The carpet now needs an extreme hoover and I know just the woman to do 


  1. Oh no! It is peculiar how that happened.

    1. Lucky it wasnt the outside pane of glass.

    2. Lucky it wasnt the outside pane of glass.
