Friday, 14 April 2023

Telekinesis ?

 Last night something happened again that tested my sanity. I havent felt quite as good recently due to being very busy on the farm. My head and sinuses hurt, so I decided to go into town after work to buy a few things, and get something to eat. I find that helps as a change of scene does me good.

Anyway, Im in a store looking for some gorilla tape. Im sure it must be an American brand because it is very strong and works ! Also with a name like that ! I was walking around looking for some, and failed until I heard a sharp metallic rattling noise coming from a small shelf, the type they put on the end of an aisle.

At first I thought someone was searching for something, but straight away I could see no one behind the small shelves. I also quickly found to my disbelief that this was where all the tapes were displayed. The noise had led me to them.

The reason is quite simple. I was thinking about the tape and the rattle was caused by this. The same happened with some pills in a box a while ago. It has also happened with keys and knives and forks.

Ive come to the conclusion that this is some type of telekinesis. Unintended of course. I had several instances last summer especially when I didnt feel as well. This is a clear connection. When I feel worse this happens. My suffering causes this. What my mind focuses on can move randomly. Some discord in my brain and nerves is causing this.

Imagine being able to control this ?


  1. I think that sounds about right.

    I'm surprised btw, that they haven't banned the tape in the USA yet due to "racial" issues.

    Sorry about your sinuses. I had horrible issues with my sinuses not being able to be "cleared" for a few weeks. It appears to have subsided for now but it was driving me crazy.

    I think what happens is that your brain is primarily preoccupied with the discomfort, which allows your subconscious or unconscious self to focus on the psychic aspects meanwhile. I could be wrong though, I don't know. I will have to read more on this. It reminds me of what Colin Wilson wrote about the "Robot Man" part of ourselves that is always in control. when the "robot man" part of ourselves isn't as in control, then we probably experience more of these episodes as you concluded.

  2. You're right about the We have " duck tape " here too. I dont think that should offend anyone, unless they identify as a duck.

    When we are distracted from ourselves our subconscious arises ? That makes sense.

    1. It's funny that I wrote about something similar lately. Yes, it is telekineses. I think some people like Colin Wilson try to intellectualise it, but the truth is, we have to accept our psychic gifts and now try to rationalise them. You have the talent, I do too. We are lucky.

    2. NOT try to rationalise, I meant to say. Blogspot doesn't let me edit my past comments.
