Friday, 28 April 2023

When you're overqualified for the job

Blame the algorithm on YT   lol

Modern Metal vs Old Metal

A short post about death

 Two weeks ago there was a commotion of police cars that headed up a neighboring valley. I heard today that another cyclist had died on the steep single track road after crashing and becoming impaled on something. About 2 years ago a cyclist crashed into a gate stoop and died in the same place.

Just now ive realized just how many people I know of who visited this area and never made it back home. There was the woman who drowned after being swept away in her car while trying to cross a flooded section of road. There was the music festival visitor who hung himself up the same valley. There was even an electric worker who had a heart attack on the village green recently.

Thats a steady stream of deaths in an idyllic area. I know someone who says that beauty spot " take lives " and although at the time it seemed an odd thing to say it seems to ring true here. Beautiful but deadly ?

Wednesday, 26 April 2023

Shania Twain - That Don't Impress Me Much (International/Europe Version)

Yesterday was a bad day so I went for a walk along a path nearby that I hadnt been on for nearly a year. It was so beautiful as the sun shone up the valley as it set. I dont know why but this song popped into my head and I think it sums up this valley. Its beauty is skin deep and wont save you though many move here in search of that.

Monday, 24 April 2023

Well someone has a sense of humor ? 
Our roads are in a state at the moment and up until now the repair of them has been fantastic, but our council has merged with a less prosperous one, and I hope this isnt the reason  that nothing has been done with these holes currently.

Sunday, 23 April 2023

Emergency alert: first test of national alarm sounds across the UK

So I was sitting with some friends outside a cafe after a nice relaxing walk when 3 of their phones started making this awful noise that went right through me. Of course its designed to go right through you to get your attention. Its a noise of panic and obviously designed to cause a reaction. It certainly did that, expletive wise anyway. Since when does a government warning disrupt such a nice afternoon ? Why, when you're a drone who cant leave your phone, at home !

Who knows what else this test did, but the official line is that it warns you if your life is in danger due to " adverse weather conditions " caused by global warning. Its all very sinister and is designed like the plandemic to cause fear. Its a good job my nerves are a lot better than last year because I would have exploded even more at such a surreal situation.

Its another piece of the digital jigsaw or cage thats already coming, and nobody much cares. If people had the vax then why should they ever question anything thats said to be for the public good again ? We cant say for sure yet if anything is truly amiss here, today, but gut instinct says its suspicious given these times that we are approaching.

Thursday, 20 April 2023

In a crisis or in the aftermath of a crisis you realize this is the truth. An uncomfortable one, but the truth none the less. 

And then this happened last night as well !

At about 10.30pm I heard a horrible thud and the sound of breaking glass. Something was definitely wrong. I found this sky light had shattered on the inside pane of glass. I had walked under it 15 minutes before as I went to bed.

Ive known glass randomly shatter before. One a cup exploded at my inlaws house and a large tractor glass door shattered during the night for no reason. A window in my shed broke with a crash too a while ago. The above sky light was perspex I think so the pressure to break it would be more. Add to the fact its double glazed...I wonder if the air inside expanded ? 

Tonight I put on some eye protection and took any loose glass out ( or whatever it is ) The carpet now needs an extreme hoover and I know just the woman to do 

Wednesday, 19 April 2023

There was a time when people really posted how they felt on Face Book. They argued with people they knew in real life online and did their dirty laundry in public as such. Such straight forward times. People were not afraid of what others thought or how what they wrote would be viewed by their employer. It seems so rustic looking back. The world has become a very touchy place. In fact the tide has changed now and the surveillance of what we say both physically and on line is being spied upon through the devices we use. We were warned about this when the honeymoon period of the internet was happening. It just seemed so far fetched that a road into our computer could be created from what we put out online.

Two Davids

 No, not even a trip to my usual chip shop cafe can be normal tonight. After eating I noticed a random chipping on the chair opposite me, followed by a couple entering and deciding on finding a table, one of whom was called David. Having myself just asked the waitress to turn the racket ( music ) down I was amazed at what happened next. He, David suggested to his wife that they sat in the corner right under the speaker. Next she said " You dont want to sit there, because, you know..." and she pointed to his ears. They then moved to the far end of the cafe and as far away from the speaker as possible.

A glitch in the matrix ?

I find it hard to believe this is just coincidence. Its mechanical and designed to get my attention.

Friday, 14 April 2023

I literally choked laughing at this. Best meme so far this year.

Telekinesis ?

 Last night something happened again that tested my sanity. I havent felt quite as good recently due to being very busy on the farm. My head and sinuses hurt, so I decided to go into town after work to buy a few things, and get something to eat. I find that helps as a change of scene does me good.

Anyway, Im in a store looking for some gorilla tape. Im sure it must be an American brand because it is very strong and works ! Also with a name like that ! I was walking around looking for some, and failed until I heard a sharp metallic rattling noise coming from a small shelf, the type they put on the end of an aisle.

At first I thought someone was searching for something, but straight away I could see no one behind the small shelves. I also quickly found to my disbelief that this was where all the tapes were displayed. The noise had led me to them.

The reason is quite simple. I was thinking about the tape and the rattle was caused by this. The same happened with some pills in a box a while ago. It has also happened with keys and knives and forks.

Ive come to the conclusion that this is some type of telekinesis. Unintended of course. I had several instances last summer especially when I didnt feel as well. This is a clear connection. When I feel worse this happens. My suffering causes this. What my mind focuses on can move randomly. Some discord in my brain and nerves is causing this.

Imagine being able to control this ?

Wednesday, 12 April 2023

Walk Around of my FBO Camaro SS

Kayla Rundle is my go to You Tube channel when I want to switch off. An all American college girl who modifies her muscle car. The sun always shines. The garage is large, and the drive way is perfectly  surfaced and double width like on so many American car channels. Everything seems seductively organized and perfect, and so clean. Seeing as she lives in Arizona I guess mud is scarce. Its just a different world, thats all.

Of course its an illusion, but that Californian lifestyle seems a little too perfect, but its
a welcome break from the dank weather here. There is something entertaining about a woman working on a car, and Im sure this one is a woman this

Which reminds me of that accent....

John & Mary Father Ted

Marriage + lambing time = 

Sunday, 9 April 2023

Shit in a bag

 Once again on a local fb forum the subject of dog poop bags has become an issue. People are expected to scoop up their dogs crap in a little plastic bag and carry it with them until they can find a bin to dispose of it in. This is a totally disgusting idea, but dog owners love carrying that little bag of shit as a badge of responsibility. Im a good person Im picking up my shit. I say " my " because they see dogs as children or a biological extension of themselves. Dont believe me ? Watch what happens when two dogs fight and their owners intervene, or if you shout at someone elses dog.

Worst still some just leave the plastic bag as litter packed with shit just lying on the ground. Well thats a job well done. I presume they assume that no one else will step in it ? meanwhile others hang theirs in bushes like little smelly decorations. Thats the most absurd of all I think. Why, why , why ?

I cant see why people just cant just kick it into a bush, or long grass to biodegrade. Surely that is better ? It seems those days have long gone and are now considered anti-

Its pointless making any comment online because the battle is already lost to the " scoopers " because no one thinks what happens after they have done the dirty deed ?

Oh, happy Easter !

Thursday, 6 April 2023


Just because I can... There is something mystical about My Little Pony - archetypes and polar opposites, alternative dimensions accessible through a mirror. This clip is just funny though. My daughter alerted me to this last night. Now ive got this damn tune stuck in my head for who knows how long.

Wednesday, 5 April 2023

Father Ted Wins The Golden Cleric | Father Ted

When I heard about Trumps 25 minute speech attacking everyone he saw as being invested in his downfall, I bizarrely thought of this scene from Father Ted.  2:10

Tuesday, 4 April 2023

Too tired to write, but a disturbing contradiction here.

Sunday, 2 April 2023

I found this sticker on a shop door over the top of a wear a mask sign. I thought it was rather good.