Wednesday, 22 February 2023

What is the answer ?

 After hearing about the plans to limit movement I have to say that the traffic levels in the UK are unsustainable. As soon as you travel 2 hours south the motorways are really limited to 50mph or less at most times of the day, just purely due to congestion.You are lucky if you can reach the national speed limit of 70mph, and its getting worse all the time, but what is the solution ? Not the 1984 type of surveillance thats being planned, thats for sure. 


  1. It is the same where I live. The traffic here is also very unsustainable. And yet more and more and more people keep moving here from other places every day, it doesn't stop.

    I guess the globalists are correct about what appears to be "overpopulation." The truth is, too many people live in the cities or at least in my area, near the coasts. If we were more spread out, this wouldn't be an issue, but everyone lives near cities for the most part.

    I can understand why the globalists think this way. They aren't being very ethical about killing us off with shots, of course that's wrong, but if they knew this would have been a problem, then people should have been warned years before, as the Chinese, to have only one or two children at the most to prevent what is happening now.

  2. We're closely analyzing Frankenstein in class right now, and all of this makes me question the entire premise of whether we actually have any right bringing life into this world anymore. Is it ethical? Even if "God said to flourish" as some people say, does that still make it right? Maybe we've reached a point where we can't flourish anymore, and we should have thought about that many years before.

    My sister got like five shots btw, and nothing has happened to her. I wonder if the reason why is because she never had any children. Same with me. Maybe she got lucky and they "reward" those who have not contributed to the population mess that is going on.
