Thursday, 9 February 2023

It's All FAKE | The Dead Internet Theory

I knew there were many fake accounts made by deviants and stalkers, but I did not know about the level of A.I accounts which is very creepy. Our feed is being manipulated to trigger us. That makes me angry. Where does this all end when money is involved ? The fake AI accounts seem to be very benign and positive though as though they are filler making up for lack of genuine users or to garner ( one of my favorite words along with " decanter " ) likes for advertising revenue. I wonder if there are any troll A.I personalities out there ? Imagine arguing for hours only to find out a person of dubious views wasnt real ?

Oh, and the fish will grow on


  1. I don't remember where I read this, or maybe you mentioned it, but most accounts online are said to be completely bogus.

    1. I know people have many fake accounts but I was shocked that A.I accounts are used to drum up traffic. Its just a disturbing thought.

    2. We live in an age of Mind Crime -- and keeping hold of one's own mind and independence of thought while surrounded by this nonsense is going to be challenging.
