Saturday, 25 February 2023

I remember laughing once at a " weird " man who used to garden at night with a lamp. Now Ive  done such things myself nowadays...

Wednesday, 22 February 2023

What is the answer ?

 After hearing about the plans to limit movement I have to say that the traffic levels in the UK are unsustainable. As soon as you travel 2 hours south the motorways are really limited to 50mph or less at most times of the day, just purely due to congestion.You are lucky if you can reach the national speed limit of 70mph, and its getting worse all the time, but what is the solution ? Not the 1984 type of surveillance thats being planned, thats for sure. 

Monday, 20 February 2023

Road User Charging - Another secret consultation, and it's TERRIFYING

Once again another bloggers prediction has come true. Here in black and white is a plan to limit and track all movement, firstly in London and then the rest of the country. This really is 1984, especially if it is connected to your Digital ID complete with a record of your views, which it will be. All government departments are going to be sharing info about you to make up a dossier on you. Everything you do will be, or could potentially be affected by this.

We saw in Covid how easy people gave up and conformed, and their spirit has been tested and found lacking. The powers that be know that. We were measured up and noted for our weakness. As ive said before they now know they can do anything. ..

Income tax and Value Added Tax is no longer paper based but digital. Tax will be collected quarterly from businesses instead of annually. All info on you is now cross referenced, personal, health wise ect. You can see how FB is cracking down on posts that " go against community standards " And that standards that they hold are pretty diabolical to a sane person. This big new digital ID ect are moulded so they sound as though they are doing you a favour, but as this country can make ends meet and is a " failed state " in many regards I we will become a new cash cow as they say.

I can see now why people are moving out of cities and countryside houses are in high demand. There will be a panic sound for rural property as the net closes in. Lets hope its all a shambles and collapses in an  to IT disaster zone, but when things are digital there is no limit to whats possible. In Orwells imagination there were armies of surveillance agents, but tech will do all that now. I still cant believe this is going happen. 

Sunday, 19 February 2023

Top Female Humanoid Robtos That Will SHOCK You!

Ignoring the obvious title and the click bait picture, why are most of these A.I robots modeled as female in general ?

I have yet to see a male one .

The instant I saw this I thought of the film Hell Raiser. I guess the pain and pleasure of exercise caused this thought, or maybe the " you called us " aspect of the I dont know its all a bit way out.


Wednesday, 15 February 2023

Modern Talking - Brother Louie (Video)

Poor brother Louie. No wonder he is confused with a woman who seems interested in him, but all the while she is only interested in him because he was looking to her lover, who tells him to leave it alone. I think thats what the lyrics are saying. Now I'm even more confused as the singers appear to be male, but  mimes to a female voice, but has Nora on a necklace. Anyway its a catchy tune thats on a YouTube play list in our kitchen. This song seems very modern gender wise ! Or is the singer female ? Its all very confusing.

Tuesday, 14 February 2023

Who's in the house ?

 As time goes by I'm finding I need to come to some conclusion about the strange things that are happening around me in this house. Only yesterday my knife and fork rattled on the table by themselves as I crossed the room to pick up the TV remote. That hasnt happened since last summer.

Today as I packaged a parcel I saw a small wisp of smoke swirl for a second before vanishing. Thats a new one. Im going to have to concluded that this is probably down to a poltergeist that has been attracted to me while I was not at all well. Apparently they are attracted to negative energy.

Saying that things have moved by themselves years ago, but only occasionally. I suspect Im " never alone " as someone once pointed out. I think the house next door being empty and being renovated has triggered happenings. I suspected it would as it has happened before, but that was with odd sounds such as the crying child or in my parents day the sound of galloping horse hooves passing through the farm yard.

The falling chippings have stopped, and seem to be a summer thing generally. The bin has behaved itself recently and there has been no swinging lid for no reason. Things go in cycles here. Over the years I have noted many groups of events, each having their own phase at certain times.

Spring energy sees door handles rattle. Heat waves see objects moving by themselves. Winter sees water trouble and leaks. Autumn sees nothing really. Heat and growing energy are the triggers, not a spooky winter as you might expect.

Nicola Bulley - Police Arrive at Caravan Park

This missing persons case stinks. Something is a miss. Local people there are not happy, and the family have hired a private company to scan the waterway,and to no avail. As the video says there is no recorded film of the woman ever being on the river bank, only her phone. A growing frustration surrounds the case.

Monday, 13 February 2023

Whats wrong with people ?

 Ive just got back from the local Spar shop where I saw a notice saying that customers were limited to buying one bottle of Prime drink each. There has been an obsessive run on this soft drink as people have become obsessed with it because others have. Its all a gimmick, but whoever is in charge of marketing must be laughing all the way to the bank. When I asked the man behind the counter if  the note was a joke he said that no, the order had come from head office. The world has gone mad !

How rude !

I couldnt believe my eyes when I opened this letter. Ive never seen an estate agent express an interest in buying a house thats not for sale before. It smacks of desperation. As houses are in hot demand in the dales I guess more pressure will be used to procure that " dream " home. The firm is local and legit, but my first reaction was that it was all a scam. I guess this is the future ? The outside world is closing in.

Thursday, 9 February 2023

It's All FAKE | The Dead Internet Theory

I knew there were many fake accounts made by deviants and stalkers, but I did not know about the level of A.I accounts which is very creepy. Our feed is being manipulated to trigger us. That makes me angry. Where does this all end when money is involved ? The fake AI accounts seem to be very benign and positive though as though they are filler making up for lack of genuine users or to garner ( one of my favorite words along with " decanter " ) likes for advertising revenue. I wonder if there are any troll A.I personalities out there ? Imagine arguing for hours only to find out a person of dubious views wasnt real ?

Oh, and the fish will grow on

Sunday, 5 February 2023

Breaking the matrix ?

Ive never come across a sheep that wanders into the yard to feed at will on its own. Sheep are flock creatures that gather in numbers for safety. This sheep has broke free of the matrix that says it must wait in a field to be fed like the others. Its independent and fearless. In and out of the yard it trots sauntering past our kitchen window. It has nerves of steel and not even the barking dogs bother it. It is not happy to just be the part of a flock. It wants more. This is the second year its done this... 

Saturday, 4 February 2023

The Stranglers - Skin Deep (Official Video)

I was listening to this song last week, but it seems relevant to post now. Strange how there is a random ear sculpture in the background. 

I found myself talking about sound this week at my session. Sounds from my childhood such as the winter night time winds roaring through the tree tops, the sound of wood pigeons calling in spring and such. These sounds have not changed at all and are a great comfort to me in a changing world.

I talked about supernatural sounds such as the cacophony of knocking floor boards that filled the house one night, or the cracking tapping TV surround or the packet of pills that shook when I talked about them. Sound has been a big part of my perceptions of both the natural and un natural world. Sound is key to both these things for me. This is important somehow. A bridge between the two ?