Saturday, 31 December 2022

Things I learned in 2022

 How to switch off or concentrate on nothing more than getting through each day.

 How to manage time when suffering slows it right down.

 How to enjoy myself whilst feeling like hell inside, and to some extent dissociate from that  anxiety. 

 How to watch nature spring to life over months whilst feeling destroyed myself.

 How to do a daily task and make it an " up " mentally each day.

 How to never trust experts entirely to map out a way forward. Sometimes you may be a while on a false   road that is only brought to your attention by chance.

 How to say " No, im not well enough "

 The brain takes a long while to heal ( or seems to )

 How to deal with being hounded by circumstance and still laugh at its viciousness.

On a more positive note....

How to open my mind to new activities

How to explore " new " places on my doorstep

How to realize my identity out side of my work

How to cool off in a

No one is infallible know matter how competent they seem.

Sometimes the " hair of the dog that bit you " can be a cure or a help.  


  1. Very good list you have here. The heatwave part is one I am not looking forward to either, lol, but my neighbour who moved out yesterday gave me his air conditioner! lol.
