Sunday, 18 December 2022

Health abounds where beauty surrounds ?

 Considering I live in the middle of nowhere there are a constant stream of ill people. Flu seems rife despite the low population. It has got so bad that Im avoiding things like my daughters school play and the church carol service, and I still have contracted a damn bug. If you choose to attend an event there is the risk you will have a price to pay. It could be a nasty one, but worse is the fact you cant predict what others are carrying.

I obviously dont feel as bad as last December, but it reminds me of that horrible time.

I think the problem is the growing population moving here from the south. They have visitors who spread the bugs. The population is no longer solely " local "


  1. Lower population should mean less illnesses. That's weird.

    1. That should also apply to tragedy too, but im not sure it does here either. Hard to measure.
