Sunday, 6 November 2022

I still cant believe it all happened...

 Last night was our traditional yearly bonfire which involves three generations. As usual the food was great, the fire was raging despite it having rained all day, and the fire works werent too loud for me which was pleasant. Anyway when the time came to light the fire the moon had come out and the sky cleared mainly what. Everything seemed to be going swimmingly until I ended up saving potentially  two peoples lives due to ridiculous circumstances that had me despairing of my family. Yes, two people nearly ended up in that fire if it were not for my quick reactions.

The first was my mother who approached the bonfire from a down hill slope. As it had rained all day the mud was very slippery. She started to loose her balance down the slope slipping and sliding towards the fire. I could see she couldnt stop in the last few meters so I ran and grabbed hold of her. She couldnt understand why I found it such a dangerous situation. She was literally slipping down hill towards an inferno. No one else seemed bothered. No one could see a few seconds head that this was a fatal situation. It really shook me and you will see why from the ferocity of the fire.

The second person who was even nearer to falling in to the fire was my cousins son. He is in his twenties and had been drinking before, and after he arrived. As he was wearing only shoes he skidded in the same manor down hill towards the fire, but recovered his composure at the last minute. That gave me a turn to, but things soon got much worse when he approached the fire later that evening to light a sparkler, or was it a marsh mallow ? I dont know, but he fell over again and luckily he fell backwards uphill, and only his feet went into the ashes and fire. Had he fallen over forwards I shudder to think of the burns he would have received. Again I ran across to help him to his feet and prevent him falling forward. No one else bothered to move a muscle, only laugh ! His feet were literally in the glowing ashes. How this situation did not spur any response from three generations I dont know.

I quickly realized I was going to be only me who was responsible for everyone there. No one else had any sense of danger at all. I take that back because my daughter and her friend were probably the most sensible of anyone there.

was as though the fire wanted to take someone. It seemed doomed to happen. I think next year we will have a zero alcohol policy and a cord around the fire which I hate to do as its just so nerdy, but people arent fit near it. It really has come to that.


  1. Oh my goodness, sounds awful! Are the other people in the family vaxxed? Maybe their brains aren't working well.

    It's nice that you still have some traditions to celebrate. The whole unmitigated immigration they keep doing in the UK and other places is to destroy your tradition and culture. They don't want any white countries to remain white and want to break everyone's spirit.

    1. Your first line was exactly what I thought as lm the only one who isnt vaxxed ! I felt only I could see the danger. There was a bonfire in the village again, the first for a few years which was nice to see. Ironically schools have discouraged children from bonfire night teaching them about the dangers...cough, ahem. They are not dangerous unless you have no any common sense. Yes these events rattled me for the rest of the weekend.
