Sunday, 5 December 2021

And the nights are so long...

 Last night was a windy one again. Gales banging doors and windows, the sound of the wind mimics the sea crashing into cliffs. It was an uneasy night. There is something wrong about sleeping outside of a house at this time of year, even in a heated caravan.
The weather is so savage and the wind just wants to kill. Ive often thought that in December. The gloves are off and nature is taking no prisoners.

Last night as I got into bed I heard running water. That always panics me and surely enough a pipe to the sink was leaking. Water trouble didnt take long to manifest. Its forecasting a wild week ahead to. Ive also discovered ive developed an allergy to my favourite drink. As soon as I have a glass my throat goes scratchty and dry. Now when I abstain my mouth just craves the flavour. Of course the craving grows and Im thinking its the sugar thats the problem maybe. Its just another annoyance.

Ive bought a portable DVD player that is the size of a laptop. Its great. You put a film on and press play. There is no logging in, no adverts and no cutting out half way through. Its stupid how hard they have made watching a film to be nowadays. What really annoys me is YouTube " watch the whole movie " that then cuts out 20 minutes from the end and they never tell you that when you start watching. Last night I watched The Bonfire of the Vanities and thats a great tale for modern times to. Everyone has an angle and an axe to grind and some poor sucker takes a fall. You couldnt possible show this film a cinemas these days. Woke would go mental.


  1. Do you still drink Ribena? I have weird reactions too, like when I have miso soup, I can't swallow for a while after. I was just reading a study about allergic reactions and children who drank Ribena. It has sodium benzoate and sodium metabisulphite, which could be allergens. Funny too, because the company that owns them also sells my favourite Japanese whiskey. I am not sure if this is what you were drinking of course, I just remember once hearing that you liked Ribena. I think I've had it once and it was very good! I really like the taste of blackcurrant.

  2. Yes, my beloved Ribena has turned against me. I wonder if the recipe has changed or its just my body that cant take any more of it... I shall look that up online. Thanks.
