Sunday, 14 October 2018

jung - freud clash in "A dangerous method" Sony pictures


I openly admit i am no expert on these matters, but i have had plenty of experience of these sharp cracks manifesting. In fact they are quite common place both in my house and outside. I try maybe too hard to note what emotion or thought is passing through my mind at the time. I even sometimes try to force such noises to occur by thinking sudden acute thoughts. Of course this doesnt work.
   What i have noticed is that the are most common upon waking in a morning, and they seem to come from my bedside table. They are mostly metallic, though sometimes sound like a knock on wood. I have known them frequently occur in electric items, even when they are switched off. Of course when i first watched this clip i was quite excited that someone has documented these weird noises and that i wasnt just imagining them.
  Twice this weekend such noises have manifested. the first was in a building where i was annoyed to find a repair i had made was still allowing water to leak in. The second was one of those metallic cracks when i awoke. It came from my bedside table. The triggers seem to be wide, but all stem from a sudden subject jolting a honest reaction from me, a reaction that has not had the time to be corrupted or candy coated.

  On a more down to earth subject i found this film delivering very little useful info on the subject. In fact it dwelled heavily sexual issues which were  no doubt was factually correct to the story. Oh, and the DVD cover was highly misleading. Im guessing many people got a shock when they watched the film starring our " English rose " lol

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