" The veil between life and death is very thin. Who knows some of you may even be visited by X in the coming few days "
Not the kind of thing you would expect an ordained Church Minister to say at a crematorium when addressing the family and friends of the deceased. I guess the fact that it was his Mother who had passed away loosened his tongue a little, besides i welcomed a little break from formalities and dogma...I think the church is becoming more open to what were once frowned upon ideas, surely ?
Funeral number 2 next week... A new trend of separating the burial from the service seems to be becoming popular. That will make a two part meal of proceedings. I guess people are valuing privacy at the grave side and having a more social gathering later at at memorial service ? Maybe this reduces stress a little and makes the whole affair a little more manageable.
Now i wrote about a life long friend who betrayed me a few years ago. Ive never spoken to him since, and i shall see him this week as the coming funeral is unfortunately his fathers. This is awkward in the extreme, and the day will be emotionally charged as it is. He is a volatile man. I have no idea how i will react... I have no idea how i will react.
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