Wednesday, 31 October 2018

A Womans Eye

Today i caught a woman once again studying me from an angle she had carefully chosen on the edge of my peripheral vision, thinking she would be free from detection. There is a certain satisfaction on catching a woman doing this because they are extremely good at it. The night may have been dark, but my awareness of whats going on in my immediate surroundings is good. Maybe this comes from working with farm animals and always being aware of danger constantly ?
   Do you know how much detail you can catch in this often neglected field of vision, even in the twilight ? A woman when caught staring can look away in a millisecond, but in that instance i caught an intensity in her eye, a hawk like fascination and maybe a moment revealing her true essence of more than a conventionally polite locally re known attractive mother. Who gained the greater insight into who from this interaction i dare not say.



Is it all in the beat ?

Monday, 29 October 2018

My Insane Season

Every year when November approaches my mindset drops off a cliff. My objective thoughts go haywire and are totally lacking in judgement. My subjective thoughts get out of control and i can convince myself of anything. I can look at black and see white almost. 
  Having been through this messy period before i have an unwritten rule that i never make any major decisions  in my life during the 2 months before Christmas as judgement is awful. I can expand this also as to what i post on facebook as my judgement of whats acceptable goes right out of the window as i totally and utterly " forget myself ". This all reaches a peak at Christmas and the shortest day. Thank god i have this blog as a place to air such ideas...a safety valve. Cant do too much self inflicted damage here, can i ? 

Gigi D'Agostino L' Amour Toujours CD1 (1999)


This album brings back some memories. This is seriously addictive stuff. The simplicity of the mixes at first appears just basic run of the mill dance music, but very quickly on a second listening the beats draw your emotions along in tow and this becomes esctasy. 
  The rising tones and rigid beats do pull the emotions around and i believe that its this too and fro that makes this album literally a magical tool. Not only does you mood improve, but you feel real hope to dream, and yes i believe that eventually events will bend to your desires. If i had a deeper understanding of the maths and blends of the beats in these songs i might be able to explain how this works. All i can say is it took me on one hell of a journey.... Count the beats in these tracks...1234...123456....1234...ect  A good example is track 11 / PASSION. Still gives me goose bumps.

Sunday, 28 October 2018

Gigi D'Agostino - Another Way ( Official Video )


For those who have " lived another way " we salute you !  You may think this video is cheesy as hell, and it is...but it captures the mechanical way that some relationships work and come together because they MUST !
    Dagostino's music is magical, literally and thats another story my friends.... Annoyingly this edited version the track does not capture the varying and rigid beats that make his mixes elevate your emotions and propel your mind into nothing less than joy. I even found this to be true during a very torrid time of my life. I may post another track from this album that demonstrates exactly what im wittering on about better.

Friday, 26 October 2018

How many cards are you holding ? !

You cant hold that many cards in your hand ! Have you ever noticed when you debate a social subject online that some people have an angle and answer for everything, a magical spectrum answer that glows and changes colour depending on what angle you examine it from ? This is bullshit. Life is far more simpler than that. Intricate and complex and fragile things in life dont last, and they are not natural. The truth sets your heart racing and requires little thought.. its gut felt. Nope, some people are holding impossible hands of " cards " to play online ! Spot their dropped cards if your

Tuesday, 23 October 2018

Whats feeding on you ? !

I have been warned, but only now do i feel how much energy has been drained from me by watching certain things online. At the time it may seem innocent and trivial but ive noticed how much more energy i have when i cease viewing such material. Its all a con to drain your life force. Where this energy goes to i wouldnt even like to know. That sort of energy is potent. All i need now is will power...

Sunday, 21 October 2018

The Black Races Problem ?

If your race originated in the cradle of civilization, your genes dominate other races offsprings features ,and you are physically stronger and larger on average than other races....then WHY dont you RULE the world ?

Saturday, 20 October 2018

Do as i say, not as i do / did...

Unless we spout forth for ourselves, and not to impress others then all is a waste of time and will amount to nothing. Inspiration and ruses are not frowned upon however as theses are honourable qualities. Dont sacrifice talent on the shonky alter of human love. The two cannot last long together...
Is Google a tool of divination ?

Thursday, 18 October 2018


OK....i can roll with it, two funerals this week both quoting Psalm 23

Two Grandparents funerals, one from each side of the family used Psalm 123 a few years ago...

Todays was more remarkable a tale from the mans childhood was told which saw him locking some people in s church for a joke....GET OUT ?   Yet another 23 joke. Something has a sense of humour ?

Monday, 15 October 2018


This photo silly as it seems captures everything about me perfectly. 

Sunday, 14 October 2018

jung - freud clash in "A dangerous method" Sony pictures


I openly admit i am no expert on these matters, but i have had plenty of experience of these sharp cracks manifesting. In fact they are quite common place both in my house and outside. I try maybe too hard to note what emotion or thought is passing through my mind at the time. I even sometimes try to force such noises to occur by thinking sudden acute thoughts. Of course this doesnt work.
   What i have noticed is that the are most common upon waking in a morning, and they seem to come from my bedside table. They are mostly metallic, though sometimes sound like a knock on wood. I have known them frequently occur in electric items, even when they are switched off. Of course when i first watched this clip i was quite excited that someone has documented these weird noises and that i wasnt just imagining them.
  Twice this weekend such noises have manifested. the first was in a building where i was annoyed to find a repair i had made was still allowing water to leak in. The second was one of those metallic cracks when i awoke. It came from my bedside table. The triggers seem to be wide, but all stem from a sudden subject jolting a honest reaction from me, a reaction that has not had the time to be corrupted or candy coated.

  On a more down to earth subject i found this film delivering very little useful info on the subject. In fact it dwelled heavily sexual issues which were  no doubt was factually correct to the story. Oh, and the DVD cover was highly misleading. Im guessing many people got a shock when they watched the film starring our " English rose " lol

Saturday, 13 October 2018

Nothing more boring than other peoples dreams...

A few nights ago i dreamt i was stood in a local car park when a small red non descript red car approaches to park. Immediately i noticed the headlights were stupidly over the top bright, and the cars ( why did i just type " cat " ) idle speed was revving away to provide the power for these ridiculously bright lights. Out gets a woman dressed head to toe in bright red lingerie. She walks unhurriedly across the car park in a very normal manner on her way to somewhere in a totally routine manner. What does she represent ? The womans face i did not seems it was not important then ? Examining my palms seems to be though, as i remember looking at them closely in the dream and seeing clearly the  fortune lines on my palms. These words dont do the clarity of the dream justice. This was not an erotic dream in anyway. She was mundane.

Thursday, 11 October 2018

Death again, sorry.

" The veil between life and death is very thin. Who knows some of you may even be visited by  X  in the coming few days "  

Not the kind of thing you would expect an ordained Church Minister to say at a crematorium when addressing the family and friends of the deceased. I guess the fact that it was his Mother who had passed away loosened his tongue a little, besides i welcomed a little break from formalities and dogma...I think the church is becoming more open to what were once frowned upon ideas, surely ?

Funeral number 2 next week... A new trend of separating the burial from the service seems to be becoming popular. That will make a two part meal of proceedings. I guess people are valuing privacy at the grave side and having a more social gathering later at at memorial service ? Maybe this reduces stress a little and makes the whole affair a little more manageable. 

Now i wrote about a life long friend who betrayed me a few years ago. Ive never spoken to him since, and i shall see him this week as the coming funeral is unfortunately his fathers. This is awkward in the extreme, and the day will be emotionally charged as it is. He is a volatile man. I have no idea how i will react... I have no idea how i will react.

Tuesday, 9 October 2018

If it can happen it happens.

We are in constant danger. Today a heavy window frame being fitted to our house by a relation toppled free and fell over on to my Dads head as he sat chatting on our sofa. It left a 3 inch cut. If the frames fall handnt been broken slightly by said sofa it could have been very serious. Accidents are just abound here at the moment. Even sat in a chair you are not safe.


Millennials live what they preach...any further comment would only detract.

Monday, 8 October 2018


Boys who want to be girls and girls who want to be boys !

Today i received some news that actually saw me dumbfounded for about 30 seconds. Now i know the world has gone mad, and the next generation along with it, but when i hear a relations daughter is seeking a sex change then i admit that i see this as the last straw and the ultimate example of how far this life has faltered. Something has gone very wrong here. It actually scares me.
  Of course this operation will come free of charge on our good old NHS due to left wing pc attitudes. There are people who actively encourage this " right " The problem with being liberal today is the fact that youre expected to accept an ever increasing abomination with a smile. So whats next ? Marrying animals is what im predicting. Thats how grim im thinking here. One things for certain things will forever get more screwed up for the next generation. 

You know things are bad when you print facts and you sound unbelievable...

Sunday, 7 October 2018

Its a coming, again.

Im going through another tribulation. I know the signs. Sitting in the house at night feeling like im going to explode. Finding little pleasure in anything. not relating to much and feeling that vacuum that proceeds a mighty change.

Last night i woke up and didnt feel it was me looking out of my eyes. It was that vivid, the feeling i was possessed ( what a word ) by something inhuman. After a disturbing 5 minutes it passed as i woke up fully. I have now stopped doing a thing i think was to blame for this. Period.

Finally what a person deletes from their blog tells us much more about them than what they leave on. And, yes  i include myself here....

Saturday, 6 October 2018

Death Awareness Week ( seriously )

So im sat in the health centre waiting room just waiting for my name to appear on the TV screen to direct me to the correct consultation room. In between these announcements are various messages appearing on the tv screen also, advising you on every health issues under the sun ect. Very annoying usually...but then up pops this gem. I admit i burst out laughing as its just simply absurd.

"  National Death Awareness Week . WHAT CAN YOU DO ! " 

Well i dont think death needs anymore awareness raising really, and as for what can i do to promote this ? Erm is this a joke ?

Wednesday, 3 October 2018

Gary Numan - Love Hurt Bleed

There was a time when my Facebook was like this music video. Dark, anxious silly days.

Monty Python-The Meaning of Life-Death

I have 2 imminent funerals to attend very soon. I guess im over compensating by this post, but laughter is all we may have in the end. And hey, it seems even the middle class die... lol
Everywhere i look there is crazy shit.

Its crazy.

And its SHIT.

Tuesday, 2 October 2018

Only a woman...

Last week an automatic outside light gave a few flashes and went dead. Nothing remarkable about that. This weekend on returning home at dusk my wife asked me why the light wasn't coming on automatically. At that EXACT second it gave 4 flashes and has been dead ever since.  There seems to be something punctuated here. A purposeful and not very subtle attempt to gain attention.