Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Winged Messengers ?

Im not sure quite just how seriously Im taking this post, but it seems that this morning two nesting Jackdaws were not just using twigs. Oh, no their material was from a far higher and spiritual source; the Bible no less. They had dropped scraps of the below pages in a cow shed, one of which deals with the plague's of Egypt. The reverse side is a rather nice Easter / Spring poem. Is this to be taken as a sign ? I just dont know. I do know however it is NOT normal.
     The second page seems very much to the point  " Help me to refuse the low and vulgar things; help me to abhor all crooked deals of every kind... "  Yes, Glastonbury is near again... A very random topographical map ( is that the right phrase ? )  of Glastonbury Tor including Chalise Wells Garden turned up on a box at the farm recently, photo tomorrow hopefully. I have a new easy to use camera.

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