Monday, 18 May 2015


Tonight Im deeply uneasy and a little paranoid. A friend said something to me and his slip of the tongue painted a scenario that I think maybe prophetic. That kind of uneasiness seeps into soul and the possible permutations are legion.
   Paranoia fascinates me. I respect its  ability to take a varying number of inputs and paint them into a master piece of menace. It can build a viable multilayer philosophy of horror that when broken down piece by piece over days, actually adds up and makes sense. Paranoia always produces a nicely thought out thesis about why you need to worry. That's why its so hard to fight, because more than one building block WILL be true. Just how do you tare down a nicely built and thought out argument it has produced ? Only a long drawn out erosion wears down these thoughts to the worthless dust they are. That does not detract however from there genius build and master piece construction. Maybe somewhere they are actually true or happening, and we just become aware of this through a thin veil ?

The game is given away by the fact paranoia often comes after an unexpected success... yeah, its part of a polar opposite that the brain just has to hit us with to stop any euphoria from lasting too long...

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