Wednesday, 6 May 2015

One Woman - Many Faces ?

Image result for mirror imageAfter so many years I have to ask myself if the Internet is an aware entity, or whether it is a tool that can be controlled by our subconscious. Im sure Im not the only one who happens to " stumble " upon people who I sense have the answers, or guidance im looking for. I have had several recent conversations that have drifted to the point that they are centred on my current mindset, and the past that Im trying to move on from. These people seem to gravitate towards me, as in the past. And then there's the coincidences...
    I recently befriended someone who was from Oregon - interests  ?  Astrology, Feminism, Eco Products, Narcissism, and  she is a mental health councillor, Oh, and she had a best friend called David too ( in Oregon ) Yes, a weird mirror effect, or reflection seems to be apparent of someone else I met online a couple of years ago ( and she was from Canada ) Ive heard that forces can manipulate electronic voice recording equipment so the idea of the Internet being steered if you will seems quite plausible to me. And why should this not be for positive reasons to aid us ? But as with all things though, a balance of good and " evil " will be most likely able to manifest. This seems fair enough, and quite possible to me. Taking the rough with the smooth is what lifes about today.


  1. Yes, it is very weird. Right now I know three Davids, you, my long time friend David, and another David who came back from my past. It is quite eerie. I know more Davids than any others for some reason. Totally strange. Is it just a popular name? lol. Can't imagine that's the only reason.

  2. Oh, and I've been accused of being different people before. This one guy from YouTube accused me of being someone else, and said I was her, it was just really weird. To this day I think he still believes I am the other person.

  3. Ah, so you found the long lost David ! lol
