Thursday, 24 July 2014

A strayed sheep ?

I have been shearing sheep tonight as its been too hot to even attempt it during the day. Now I cant settle,or relax. I was passing my recently organised book just now, my shelf of " interesting books " that is ,when I picked up an old book I was given when I joined the Methodist Church in 1986 . What date did I join ? Yes, you've guessed right  the 23rd !!!
   The Minister who coached me is now dead unfortunately. I wonder what he would have made of me today. I don't think he would have been too disappointed. No I don't exactly believe in a Bible God but I have charted what ive found or experienced. Ive gone through life with my eyes and mind open. Ive never been involved with anything dark, though some would just love me to come a cropper doing so !
   I have a good heart and Im way to honest for my own good. What you see is what you get. I havent the energy or time to deceive. Maybe Ive progressed past the conventional things the Church teaches. For example lifes flow can be affected by things other than God, things that carry great emotion, or natural images or cycles. Ive experienced emotions few will ever reach in their mundane lives. Yes ive been spiritually moved and worldy moved as well. To blend the two is still my goal, though that time may have gone, who knows ?

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