Thursday, 24 July 2014

A strayed sheep ?

I have been shearing sheep tonight as its been too hot to even attempt it during the day. Now I cant settle,or relax. I was passing my recently organised book just now, my shelf of " interesting books " that is ,when I picked up an old book I was given when I joined the Methodist Church in 1986 . What date did I join ? Yes, you've guessed right  the 23rd !!!
   The Minister who coached me is now dead unfortunately. I wonder what he would have made of me today. I don't think he would have been too disappointed. No I don't exactly believe in a Bible God but I have charted what ive found or experienced. Ive gone through life with my eyes and mind open. Ive never been involved with anything dark, though some would just love me to come a cropper doing so !
   I have a good heart and Im way to honest for my own good. What you see is what you get. I havent the energy or time to deceive. Maybe Ive progressed past the conventional things the Church teaches. For example lifes flow can be affected by things other than God, things that carry great emotion, or natural images or cycles. Ive experienced emotions few will ever reach in their mundane lives. Yes ive been spiritually moved and worldy moved as well. To blend the two is still my goal, though that time may have gone, who knows ?

Monday, 21 July 2014

I am once again returning to a past phase of having very bad judgement.

Ideas flash into my head that for a second seem scarily good, but very quickly are deemed down right unwise.

Today I had an appointment at a hospital with a female consultant. She was a remarkable woman. I have never met such a person who was so comfortable with herself, her sexuality, her job or talking to a stranger about intimate matters. She just laid back in her chair with her legs out like she was at home. She radiated contention and totally put me at ease, as I have never really felt comfortable talking to foreign people, or those of a different race because there just aren't any around where I live in Cumbria . Some may think that sad, but that's the way it is for me.
  The only reason this is post is on Golden is due to the fact she was African. Her graceful aura and appearance reminded me deeply of the African woman dressed in a purple robe whom I came across at Glastonbury. She was manifesting ( I presume through meditation ) the awful power I could feel in the Chalise Well Gardens. Both these women I admire as a man for reasons Ive never felt before or have not felt for a while anyway. They remind me that great women are out there, and my god the world is barely worthy of their presence.

It seems Africa has something positive to offer ? Something regal, something royal ?

Sunday, 20 July 2014

A ramble

Its a very odd night tonight. Ive had a very good day relaxing with family at a lake. When I came home tonight though it felt like a different day from the morning I set off from, that's odd.
 I woke up suddenly by the lake side at one point during the afternoon as I felt there was something I was missing. When I looked out to the lake two people, at least one was female came silently gliding by stood bolt upright on what looked like surf boards. They were using a pole to propel them selves along. They moved in total silence and with a very dramatic unusual smooth movement that just looked ancient. Everyone else around me was too busy to noticed them pass but I woke up to see them. Just a funny moment that's all , but it seemed to represent something very ancient to me.
  Right now in a field outside my garden the lambs that have been taken away from their mothers are bleating, and this noise is carrying across the dale on this very soft humid night. Its a distinctive sound though and it could be a noisy night ahead. My daughter is unsettled too and wants to sleep with the light on. There is an odd tap from the attick. The church bells are now chiming. Time to sleep....

A ramble for old times sake lol

999 seems to be strong at the moment

Summer always brings the triples. It brings everything....

Thursday, 17 July 2014

23 in the news

Assad's compound was destroyed recently by 23 tonnes of explosive in a tunnel

Today 23 Americans died in an Aeroplane shot down in the Ukraine

Our Government much criticised for the housing benefit cuts spends 23 million a year on said item. Again here is a joke as the reform was to encourage people financially to move to more appropriately sized houses or more accurately force them to GET OUT  of a house that was deemed to large for their needs !

Israel has found 23 tunnel today leading out of Gazza being used as a means of attack

The stock market has just risen 23 points !

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

My new facebook page chat function is malfunctioning now as well

Im obviously progressing nearer the way....

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

There is only one woman and she has many faces ?

So was the Super Moon all hype then ? Well I certainly saw some bizarre movements of the feminine kind. One such female with a connection to an obsession of mine made a very strange move that had echoes of what another person did years ago when I met them for the first time. A bizarre act indeed, and when I resisted I was asked a second time to conform .My face was apparently a picture, and quite rightly. Same silly action but by a different person today and a social faux pas occurred. One of those moments that just shock you and are 100% mind boggling...

Saturday, 12 July 2014

Yes its a super moon tonight

Falsehood, a misleading situation, a blip, an echeo ? Or a genuine God sent opportunity ?

I shall thrash back and forth

This will change nothing, this will not change my outcome

" It was large he thought, inescapable. It could not be dealt with easily... "

Some social conundroms can have a religious intensity when trying to move forward. I feel like Johna . I have been running, but its gonna get me knowhere. If you have been reading my blog a while sorry for regressing back to that which some may say is unhealthy, but I have a friendship that I must reacquaint on a dare I say epic level and Im not finding this easy. Its a classic 23....

Friday, 11 July 2014

Every dog has its day

Im shattered and In one of those moods. Things quickly got out of control and my daughters operation was brought forward in a messy fashion this week which caught me by surprise, even if it was never life threatening by any means. The whole thing has drained me and I was on the verge of sorting out a very long running situation in my life, but now my reserves have gone on the hospital event. That's annoying when I take a while to build up a state of action ! Im tired again and very uneasy as a full moon grows.
  To be honest I feel the need to know the truth about what ive learnt in this life or what this blog is all about. I also have some real life things which I need to be manifested and brought into reality. This may require being blunt, but we all need to know whats real.

A name keeps cropping up when I visit a hospital in a stressed state. It happened at my daughters birth and it happened this week at the operation. This damn well keeps returning and ive tried to leave it all behind after a long drawn out time. Yes I really did walk away eventually...

  You know I had put a certain part of the past behind me. I spent last Summer blogging about it and I moved on, but sometimes things come back to you, or find you even if you have run as far away as possible from them. In these cases I think the only interpretation is that this path must be returned to for some reason 23 ? Funny thing is the contradiction of not being too bothered either way , but also being torn apart by the thought of just walking away. That makes no sense. I guess any situation that's deep to use makes little logical sense....
  Lifes true path is now ahead and what some may say is childish seems to be part of this picture and it worries me that I must return to a cycle that nearly destroyed me. I do not do this lightly at all and there is a huge picture behind this that involves Biblical waters, archetypal feelings and sticking two figure up at convention. What ever happens I will never return to the state I was in a while ago, even if it was all self inflicted.

Monday, 7 July 2014

Thursday, 3 July 2014

Back door contemplating again...

We have been without rain now for nearly a month. After the wettest Winter on record that's really welcome. You can actually sit on the ground without getting wet when you rise again. That's a measurement that I use to judge whether a Summer is a truly seasonal one. That's the kind we had when I was a child. With everything being so dry and dusty this reminds me of the Summer school holidays ect. The smell of the dry ground and grass somehow seems like an echo from the past, a past when life was so much simpler.
  So here I am sat on my back door step, watching a dark bank of rain clouds moving slowly across the valley. It wants to rain, but it cant for once. The weather is set dry, well we shall see if this happens tomorrow. Its quite chilly too, but in a soft Summer air way.
   The higher sky is pale blue, the lower is a layer of ink blue clouds blowing sideways across the valley. The sun has gone down too. Some tractors are revving away somewhere on a hill side. If you look at the sky you can feel the atmosphere of today, a bit tense , but im past caring. A time for action with a mundane mind set. That's the next goal...
  I can feel a new age starting and reality is protesting and squirming. Maybe I have conquered a past problem, or can face it with a peace of mind 5 years has denied me. The time is right to start this process with a visit to the past.  23