Saturday, 1 February 2014

Whoops ive lost a watcher !    "  If all men speak good of you ...."


  1. Hmmm. On one of my blogs, I used to have someone who was following me. I still follow this person and comment in their blog, but he (or she, not sure what it is) for some reason just stopped following my blog. I am not sure what to think about this, since I thought s/he and I shared a very common outlook on Gothic literature and other stuff. It did not hurt my feelings, as I don't think I have any at this point, but it made me wonder what this person's motives are, since I am the only person who ever comments on their writing and praises it. Sometimes I just don't understand if people really understand their own selves. I wouldn't give it any thought re: people who unfollow. They are probably just really dull and cannot understand your perspective.

  2. On line misunderstandings happen as you know . This person was a devout Christian ( as far as I could tell ) He had stopped writing his blog though . Strangely I once had a comment of his removed by the " blog administrator " about an orb photo I posted . I would love to know what it said !
