Thursday, 6 February 2014


I must admit I seem to have an uncanny knack of acquiring what I want . This is common when reguarding everyday items that are very specific or rare . Overtime Ive see this pattern . These items are not of much monetary value but they are things that I badly wanted . They are often items ive owned in the past and are now out of fashion , hence I know when they appear that something is amiss . Other people who know me well have also commented that this seems true . Someone told me this would be so for me several years ago because my birth date was the on Winter Equinox . He was right .
  This gift also can be expanded to the question of people . I forged a remarkable friendship with someone for a while that defied lifes constraints and rules . I danced on the rules as they say . I saw people change their lives to further accommodate my situation . I watched a kind of gravity at work as my events were pulled by brute force toward me . Of course such events take a mental toll and I couldn't keep it up for ever as life changed cataclysmalicaly  for me .
     As always there was a twist , but isn't there always ? I noticed that these twists appear when events are about to bear fruit . Ive come to call these little irritations or obstacles ; a snake at the gate !  ie: Some last minute unexpected obstacle . They always seem essential when life's path is changed for your benefit . They are to be rejoiced at as they are a symptom that progress is in situ .

 Today ( next June ) im bound for Glastonbury and I feel a return to the esoteric . This isn't quite yet though and I need some ordinary world time first . At the moment the thing I find most amazing is a bland ordinary day or weekend ! This shows where ive been these last few years . It proves ive been somewhere else . The ordinary may well disappear soon but this time I must keep one foot on the ground because when the time comes for it all to end I cant afford the cost I had accumulated last time . Balance must be the key !
  The journey continues today on Blogger as this scene enables me to find a remarkable likeness of myself to some extent , a sounding board or mentor of much experience . Yes my life has been tough at times but I have also been " lucky " when it really counted . I feel this is a balancing equation and sure this must be the sign of some kind of order ? I use the term order very loosely .


  1. I usually get what I really want as well. Is it a gift, or a curse?

  2. That's a tough question ! Its gift but eventually it turns in to a curse , but only because I let it go too far . Do you see this gift as good or bad for you ?
