Friday, 28 February 2014


I follow the blog of an extremely dedicated and methodical and steadfast Christian . Daily his posts  back up consistently his views through Bible quotes . Some disagree with him on levels that are complex and beyond my " pay grade " . Recently he posted that all he had written about and believed was if push came to shove , based on faith . That was the bottom line . The last defence . I find it hard to put into words how impressed and even deeply moved I was by that statement . For only so long can anyone of any faith rely solely on dry academic quotes from ancient manuscripts . There must be more . That more is a little madness . That more is a little illogical .  That more is FAITH  in the unseen or unprovable ( KETHER )That more is what makes my blog tick too . Not everything needs to be proved in black and white .

Now what annoys me is when beliefs are not treated equally . Someone recently called  my blog mad . They said it to my face as well . All beliefs are subjective and those who fear and loath this blogs subjects back up their own beliefs from very old sources which are far from clear , and many believe are incomplete  . We need to validate our beliefs on what we see every day . I believe this is the future 

Just to re-cap as some may now think ive slipped into an anti-Christian rant : I was deeply moved by this mans admission of all relying on faith and I wish him all the best in his current troubled time .

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Can an animal have a soul ? Most people think not , but if your reading this blog its fairly safe to say you are not most people . The most types have stopped reading a while ago now . I myself am going to pass on answering this question directly, but I have some observations worth mentioning .

Firstly why are we so quick to end the life of an animal thats suffering ? Why do we not give fellow humans this same treatment when they are so obviously suffering ? We often say that we wouldnt let an animal suffer that way , so why a human ?

If an animal has no soul then why does it rack our conscience so much when we see one suffering , so much so we are willing to do the disturbing deed of ending its life to end its suffering ? Why do we care so much if a soul isnt supposed to be present ?

Why cant we give fellow human beings the same elevated sympathy and chance to escape pain ?

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Last night was very unpleasant . Something bad passed over . Its gone now , but last night it sucked all the joy from me and from within my house . Tonight its gone thank goodness . I can sense these things passing over ...

Sunday, 23 February 2014

Jerry Cornelious

" He had used 3 months worth of energy in a day . Where that 3 months would come from when he needed it again he had absolutely no idea... "
Just woke up from sleeping hard . Cant get off again , Bouncing around from e-bay to facebook to my blogs again . Round and round I go in circles searching for something . But what ?

Language of Light singing in the Merlin's Cave, Tintagel


This is a bit weird . All I can say is she better be keeping a eye on the tide as I know from experience you can soon get stuck in there . I got out with wet feet !

Saturday, 22 February 2014

To be addicted is to be alive...

I have no overwhelming situation in my life at the moment . I guess this is normality . Can I spend the rest of my life like this ?

Friday, 21 February 2014

The real fields.... ? ( nope , I aint saying that word ! )

Tonight I watched a rather striking music video that was brought to my attention . Cue watery caves and moonlight reflections . Yes , that brought back many memories of a time not so long ago . There is a cave in Cornwall at Tintagel called Merlin's Cave that fills up at high tide from both ends . Its a strange place as at one end it is light and has a nice sand bank at the entrance  , and at the other end is a dark sterile gully that is open to the rough sea . Halfway between these two points is a dark black cavity that gets no sun light . The sound of the sea at the gully end in the dark part of the cave leads to a dangerous atmosphere and its not possible I found to stop there long .
    I love that cave . Once as I came out of it the church bells of the nearby St Micheal's started chiming and as I looked out to sea I saw a Tornado heading toward the shore about a mile away . It was sucking up the sea water into the sky .
    My heart is in Tintagel , well it was a strange time then . I believe you don't have to physically  visit this cave to make use of it . I guess its called  Merlin's  cave for a reason . Never write off the cheesy or the kitch because beneath there maybe treasure or a hidden power house . This figures as the nearby St Micheal's and supposed lay lines add kudos to this idea or view I have .
   I normally explore places like this after the sun has gone down and after most of the tourists have gone after a hot day and dusk closes in , also I like to be on my own though I dream of a like minded person to accompany me who is open to the mystical sights . Two heads might come up with more . Of course lifes social side and conventional practicality's will never see this happen ( actually to dismiss this little dream entirely feels like blasphemy somehow , why is that I wonder , strange ) One day this will happen I believe , but It will be in my twilight years as an old man . I know that sounds odd but I just feel it .

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

An unintentional messenger

Tonight someone I know well volunteered a piece of information to me in the middle of a conversation . This information was delivered in a totally random manner and had nothing to do with what I was discussing with them . It was as if they were a channel to deliver this message to me . Its still making me smile just how silly it was and the way it was clumsily fed to me . I don't even know if the person was aware of what they had said .
   This used to happen to me quite a lot . People would come out with random statements that aided me in a sticky area of my social life . At first I thought I was imagining it , but after a few years I have come to believe that there maybe third party's in our conversations and that some peoples actions are solely to get a piece of info to you without even realising they are doing it . Anyway this situation tonight just reminded me of all the times it has happened to me in the past . The info is worthless to me today but the method of its delivery excited me . It reminds me of " magick " and how it works . Its beautiful , truly life affirming and it seems to continue long after you want it too , rightly or wrongly . Or maybe its just that gravity I talked about a few posts ago ? Who knows . Perhaps this was the last dregs of a past situation ?

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Just as you write it all off...

Suddenly things aren't so mundane . There has been reflected back at me through several sources a synchronicity this weekend . Its been personal  and through several people and modes . The moon is strong and low and hazy tonight . Feminine forces are on a  force majour  !  This will continue for a short season . That's all I can say for now . It feels like Spring , but for a short season....

Another one bites the dust !

Today my Sister admitted to me that she no longer read my blogs as they had gone   " mad  ! "  

Saturday, 15 February 2014

Brave New World ?

" Happiness is never exciting , unlike a great struggle or crises .... "

Yes Im feeling quite mundane tonight . My everyday world feels quite mundane . I cant find a mood to suit the future . This isn't happiness though as I don't think Ive ever really been happy . Ive felt contented but I know from watching others that I have never been unconditionally happy . Ive felt OK or miserable . I think this mundane feeling I'm having is as close to " happiness " ( does it really exist ? ) Ive ever come .
   This mode of living is do able . Its more balanced but my mind keeps wandering back to the past , but that past is further in the past than I realise . 24hours feels a long , long time at the moment . I judge my life harshly . Days become weeks . Ive said it before but I do feel anaesthetised at the moment . Maybe this is balance ?
   I recently found a really good analogy of how I felt living a peak experience compared to now . It is actually two mixes of a song by Sash . One is the ordinary release and the other is a mix with a darker slower beat and much more deliberate in its pace , more intimate too in its atmosphere . I would post the two side by side as its an excellent example that would explain the difference in my feelings today more than a thousand words ever could . The only problem is the second mix is an obscure one and I cant find it anywhere but I shall keep on trying as its a good example .  

 Literally just now on a radio 4 quiz I have on in the background there was an answer to a question and Brave New World  was mentioned !!!   ? Its been that sort of day ... I have checked out the question on google and Im not mistaken and I did not mis-hear this either . This title came up in relation to the answer : Crome Yellow .

Its a weekend of synchronicitys again ,  beyond a joke . They just keep,em coming....

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Gigi D'Agostino - Deeper ( Underconstruction 3 )

When you least expect it !

Tonight as I was excitedly talking to someone about my future holiday to Glastonbury I briefly saw a brilliant white light for a second on the floor . About this time 2 years ago , shortly before the birth of my daughter I saw bright sparks of electric blue in the air . They were singular and brief . Sometimes they were very near , sometimes in a field as I drove past . Again today as then it is very stormy wild weather and there is a harsh bright atmosphere . I feel a magic in the air as of then . Sparks and lights are rare occurrences for me , but I think they herald huge advancements . As always to look directly at them sees then vanish . They are a sign of magick , but this isnt my doing . It is however very positive . Thats quite certain !

That which I cannot name

A post today related to the image of heavenly beings ( I cannot print the name that these beings are called  , I shall call these beings A  ) reminded me of several times when I have used images of  them on line . I used a comedy image of an A on face book for a profile picture . Immediately my chat function shut down . I was quite shocked as on deleting this image of an A my chat function returned immediately . This event was repeated again a few weeks later leading me to conclude it was forbidden for me to use their image or name. No one else seems to have this problem or restriction . The second time was followed by laptop repair...
   I briefly looked into a certain kind of magic online related to these beings , and a sign of contact was often electrical problems or malfunctions . Of course water problems are a sign I believe of subconscious changes or forces ( possibly feminine ) so I guess beings affecting electric items isnt so different . Of course Im not going to dabble in something I cannot even print the name of without trouble . Im not that stupid .
   Most people will think this post is a joke but believe me it has me rattled . I have a serious respect for that which ive mentioned .
   I also have a family member who when they visit nearly always cause electrical supply disruptions . Its uncanny and a running joke in our family . If they are in the house then then electrical problems are nearly always present .

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

A new gadget that works !

I am quite pleased with tonight's moon photo  that I took with my new camera . Its only a cheap Canon but its more than adaquete for my needs , and a 5X zoom compared to my old 3 means better results , especially it seems when photographing the sky .
 A tree out side our back door often has the moon peeping through its branches . Soon , in March though ( and this never fails to impress me )
 the moon light will be shining through our kitchen windows in the early hours . Im lucky having a house that faces East to West . When I have to move I shall really miss it , big time !

Thursday, 6 February 2014


I must admit I seem to have an uncanny knack of acquiring what I want . This is common when reguarding everyday items that are very specific or rare . Overtime Ive see this pattern . These items are not of much monetary value but they are things that I badly wanted . They are often items ive owned in the past and are now out of fashion , hence I know when they appear that something is amiss . Other people who know me well have also commented that this seems true . Someone told me this would be so for me several years ago because my birth date was the on Winter Equinox . He was right .
  This gift also can be expanded to the question of people . I forged a remarkable friendship with someone for a while that defied lifes constraints and rules . I danced on the rules as they say . I saw people change their lives to further accommodate my situation . I watched a kind of gravity at work as my events were pulled by brute force toward me . Of course such events take a mental toll and I couldn't keep it up for ever as life changed cataclysmalicaly  for me .
     As always there was a twist , but isn't there always ? I noticed that these twists appear when events are about to bear fruit . Ive come to call these little irritations or obstacles ; a snake at the gate !  ie: Some last minute unexpected obstacle . They always seem essential when life's path is changed for your benefit . They are to be rejoiced at as they are a symptom that progress is in situ .

 Today ( next June ) im bound for Glastonbury and I feel a return to the esoteric . This isn't quite yet though and I need some ordinary world time first . At the moment the thing I find most amazing is a bland ordinary day or weekend ! This shows where ive been these last few years . It proves ive been somewhere else . The ordinary may well disappear soon but this time I must keep one foot on the ground because when the time comes for it all to end I cant afford the cost I had accumulated last time . Balance must be the key !
  The journey continues today on Blogger as this scene enables me to find a remarkable likeness of myself to some extent , a sounding board or mentor of much experience . Yes my life has been tough at times but I have also been " lucky " when it really counted . I feel this is a balancing equation and sure this must be the sign of some kind of order ? I use the term order very loosely .

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

No coincidence ?

Water has always been associated with magick

Glastonbury Tor is in the county of Somerset . This county is currently suffering very bad flooding at the moment .

Boscastle is also a magical area with strong forces . It to was badly flooded in 2004

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

UK Floods 2014, Somerset Under water. Aerial Video of Somerset Floods.

Boscastle, Flash Flood

Fearful symmetry ?

It turns out that Glastonbury Tor has had close associations to the legendary King Arthur in the past , in that respect it has much in common with the village of Tintagel in Cornwall that Ive visited several times . This should be very interesting . To my surprise I see a few miles away on the map a Cadbury Castle ( rumoured to be the site of King Arthur's legendary castle Camelot , of course  Tintagel also makes the same claim it is said . I guess its all a bit subjective in the world of legends ! ) 
  You will call me insane but I knew there was a reason for my chocolate obsession . At the time it seemed uncannily important , oddly so . Unless you've personal experience of how these signs guide you then you will not understand the relevance of what I'm saying . Guidance comes through very mundane and humble methods . Don't let arrogance stand in the way . See things as a child or give up and return to your ordinary world !
   The last time I received such a sign was before I went to Tintagel about three years ago  . I was playing a word game which involved being dealt random letters . My first few letters came out in the order of TINTA and then GEL , but in the wrong order . In a flash I moved then round to spell Tintagel and right there I decided that this was going to be my holiday destination . Yes I changed my holiday plans because of that !  I was originally planning on going up Scotland ( and no I havent changed my holiday destination this year because of chocolate  !!! Though I would have had I made any prior plans to visit elsewhere ....
   There are forces in Tintagel as in Boscastle . Are they at the Glastonbury Tor too ? Well , well that's a no brainier isn't it as a map of the powerful Ley Lines all converge on Glastonbury from miles around , apparently . I find this hard to believe and shall be looking into this fact further .
   Well I'm hyped tonight because this is my new direction . Stick around and I will reveal what I find . There will only be one problem though . What I find will sound unbelievable , but that's always the way isn't it ?  Still with me ?


As Winter is chugging along , and my mind is turning to where I would like to go on holiday next June . Cornwall has been my destination of choice as the weather there is good , but not too hot as being by the sea brings a nice breeze . Its always a nice way to start Summer . I also have a strong link to the coastal areas and have had several quite intense supernatural type experiences there . Things manifest visually to me there . I would go so far as to say they welcome me . Ive had some intense times near Boscastle , but today I feel I need a change of scene , even if only for my daughter not having to put up   with an 8 hour journey . Its time for somewhere a bit nearer !
   I am seriously considering spending a week in the Glastonbury area . NO NOT THE MUSIC FESTIVAL! Everyone asks me that . Of course this is what the area is primarily associated with , but it is also a very well known mystical area . Of course there will be endless silly shops selling tat such as at Tintagel , but its all based on something remember !!! Thats what people forget . Underneath the tat is a force thats been known for generations in these areas and its that which im interested in .
 So whats the big attraction there ? Well nearby is the coastal area on which  Dion Fortune based her novel The Sea Priestess . This I must visit and somehow now ive a daughter this seems very timely and I believe ive been on a path to  visit this area for a long while .
  Also nearby is Glastonbury Tor , the rumoured site of the first Christian Church to be built . Again an area much loved by Dion . I was musing on what I might find and was told that whatever happens it cant be much more than Cornwall has revealed . Time will tell I guess.. I can assure you I shall not be going on a full moon again . I still havent forgotten that week . Full moon , plus mystical area near the sea is too overpowering for a relaxing holiday . Having checked out the below link Im feeling hyped already....  : )         

Sunday, 2 February 2014

The ultimate App

I believe that within my life time there will be an App for confession and forgiveness thats manned by a qualified man of the Church . This idea is essentially based on the Catholic religion I guess . Seriously it is a good idea and I can see potential in it . Maybe it already exists ?

Saturday, 1 February 2014

Whoops ive lost a watcher !    "  If all men speak good of you ...."