Friday, 20 January 2023

Can a book be dangerous to health ?

 Ive been asking my self recently whether a book such as a novel could be dangerous ? Weve all heard the one where a video game is held responsible for someones violent cations in life, or a movie is demonized after being deemed to be too disturbing for people to process safely, but what of a novel ? How could a book be more dangerous than the above ?

Having got ill twice while reading  George Orwell books I now feel its unwise to try another. Is it possible a book could have that affect on me ? Its just words on paper after all, right ? Each word we read goes into our brain, and each scene and character is brought to life in our imagination. We visualize entire stories, and once this text is programmed into our brains then who knows what can be triggered consciously or even worse sub-consciously ? 

They say we should be careful what we watch as its " programming " us over time, distorting our outlook. No one considers the humble novel read by the bookworm as a potential threat, but the intimate way we absorb the words straight to the brain makes an impact more substantial I think than say a movie where we watch someone elses images instead of creating our own.

I really connected to Orwell. I felt a little too well connected in an almost incestuous way, as though he was a part me, mad as it sounds. Maybe it was just coincidence, but Im not picking up another book of his for a while. Maybe the brain can be unbalanced or intoxicated by reading more so than listening to music or watching a film ? We just dont know the whole results of the programming of our brains by written word.

Head aches leading to ear trouble and anxiety.

Covid floored me for two weeks

Even finding these image brings back memories of the troubling times....


  1. Sounds like the books are cursed. This happened to me with a novel by Tanith Lee. Every time I started reading it, bad things would happen until I finally understood. I never read the book again and didn't even touch it.

    1. Remember the photographs of the couple that came inside the bottom book as a page marker ? That was strange.

    2. Yes, that's very odd. The thing that worries me about Orwell is that you mentioned "programming," and a lot of Orwell's themes have to do with that.
