Thursday, 28 April 2022

More Crazy

 I have in general made a small improvement in my health. My bad headaches have really become sinus pain now. These pains are focused now on my passages. My ears can bare a certain level of sound also, but the noises which jar do vary day to day. I decided to take a trip into town and do a bit of shopping. It was nice to just walk in the sun and sit by the river just taking in the fact it is spring.

My cousin visited last night and I actually talked to him for about an hour without any problems, but today I feel worse with pressure in my passages and more sound jarring. Im disappointed about that, and really are considering that its a spin off from him visiting, or maybe im just a little more stressed after seeing him ? Its the easier option to think here. He said my aura has improved. That has to be a good thing.

The lambing buildings are now virtually empty with only a handful of sheep left to lamb. Time seems to have flown this spring. I think being ill and the constant work has left me little time to even think of the season. It will soon be May and a few leaves are coming out. I havent seen a swallow recently but they are somewhere abouts. Dry, cool and cloudy is the weather with a high pollen count i'd say. Again awful weather for sinuses as it has been all spring.

Very little mysterious has happened since I got ill, but yesterday was different. I blew a candle out after I woke up and it takes some time for the smoke to dissipate, but after I turned by back for a second the smoke was suddenly gone. While in the bath later that day deep in though I heard a strange noise that sounded like a slack guitar string being twanged. It wasnt a bathroom noise at all. Then  after eating my breakfast this morning I turned my back on the table and heard my knife or fork rattle on my plate by itself. The same thing happened during the night with a cup on my bedside table. Well it means something and if it means change then thats fine by me after these last two months. Maybe its connected to my aura returning ? The items that move are things ive recently handled. Ive noticed that much.


  1. That is something that is highly annoying me, the fact that so much of my focus is on health, since people started getting jabbed, and then the virus and afterwards, that there is so little of the mysterious in my life. In addition to the health concerns, there are the really aggravating global concerns. This is why I am going back to studying lit. and Gothic studies. I am tired of "reality" lately.

    1. Everything has got serious in general. Your education is an escape.
