Tuesday, 28 September 2021

The Unexpected

 Today I woke up to a fb friends request from a woman who was or still is the partner of a remarkable man I met online. I believe the man may have passed, but I cant be sure. How can you be sure of anything on fb ? He was an Alchemist, Occultist ect and taught me  about the rhythms of life and the Hermetic patterns that prevail through all, not that I could take on board the vast subject but some things stuck. I was only friends with him for about 12 months and as he was in ill health this gave me a feeling the things he recalled from throughout his life on his page were a last hoorah. 

The key idea that did take root was " the serpent " of force. Basically events meander from one extreme to the other over time, and that we maybe anywhere on the hair pin bending road. He hinted that there was a way to take a short cut across the bends and avoid the extra miles of deviation that would eventually lead to the same point anyway. Its an intriguing idea but Im guessing to take such actions may require some maverick actions. Yes, he did read my blog sometimes and even left the odd comment.

I remember last December 9th I heard two loud bangs in my thoughts as I lay in bed. It was unlike any noise ive heard before. It was inside my head and had no connection to my ears. Somehow I feel a connection from this to what Ive discussed above. I maybe wrong.


  1. I've heard those "bangs" before. Oftentimes when start to fall asleep at my old job when I wasn't supposed to be sleeping (night shift), loud bangs would wake me. Sometimes people also hear these bangs when they are sleeping. Scientists try to attribute it to something happening in the brain, but I'm not convinced that that's all it is.

    1. First time ive ever experienced this. Wonder if it will happen again this December.
