However unlikely this may sound it is true. Ive often found livestock auctions to "manifest " some very strange instances and synchronicities. Today has been such a one. Today has also being a long noisy one. In fact 5 hours spent waiting for some sheep to be finally sold. However the appearance of a young woman of about 20 years old, dressed competently in black with beautiful long dark brown almost black hair and a very pale complexion quite took me aback. She was definitely a goth type and ive never seen such a woman at such a place before. She just looked so out of place though her father was a farmer. What really unnerved me was her height. She was just so tall. I think she maybe the tallest girl ive ever seen. It was just weird. I made a mental note to stop
A few days ago my daughter came with me to sell sheep for her first time. After a while she turned to me and said " Do you know the auctioneer has mentioned the name David about 5 times so far " It was true and they were different surnames to each " David " to. Again just weird. You know that feeling you get when something just isnt natural ? 1 time...2,3,4, its getting ridiculous. However I do know " like attracts like " as the following story indicates.
Although the following incident happened 5 years ago at the same auction it is as clear in my mind as yesterday. ( cliche alert ) A young woman I know who had been recently married was stood by the livestock stock show ring looking increasingly uncomfortable. I watched her over the next 10 minutes as six women entered gradually one by one over that time carrying babies until she was completely surrounded by them. I knew she was desperate to conceive and was having trouble doing so hence I took this as the cause of her unhappy stressed state. Soon afterwards she did indeed fall pregnant. It seemed a synchronicity with bells on and at the time she no doubt saw it as a cruel one.
And Ive just remembered a numerology oddity regarding the great number 23 . This number occurs at tipping points and when circumstances end or change dramatically. All the sheep pass through the final pen 123 as they enter the sale ring and are sold. At this point they are about to leave your ownership. The fact 123 is printed on the wall at that location makes me smile every visit. I need to add that observation to my 23 labelled posts. Another cracker ?
So why of all things should a auction type of gathering cause such happenings ? Well there is a crowd to start with who are all focusing on one thing - an auctioneer. He is stood on a " rostrum " very much like a church pulpit. He is interacting back at the crowd rather like a preacher though Ive never seen anything bizarre like the above happen in a religious gathering. I think something is happening with the energy this circumstance is generating. Maybe a ratcheting up of force occurs like in a church ? After all " where two or three are gathered " Yes, thats half a quote but this idea is considered " a thing " outside of christian gatherings.
Anyway this post may see you thinking I spend a little too much time watching women at livestock And maybe your right.
Very strange. What's even more weird is that in the photo you posted, one of the men (the one in blue plaid) reminds me very much of the abuser I've mentioned before. He's even wearing the same outfit. The saying "sheep led to slaughter" right now also seems very prominent as to what is happening in society right now.
ReplyDeleteHe does look out of place. The tall girl was also stood very near that position too.