Wednesday, 29 September 2021

Project Pitchfork - Timekiller - Official

Another cracker I came across.  Video reminds me  And if you cant laugh at yourself...He even has water trouble.

Gigi D'Agostino - Spostamento ( Tecno Fes 1 )

This tune has a magical quality to it. It can be used as a powerful tool to remove an annoying obstacle. While considering the situation you want obliterated listen to the unrelenting beat and imagine that beat slowly shaking a wall and eventually disintegrating it, dust and debris falling from it as the beat pounds. The walls of Jericho come to mind. Anger helps of course to...

Tuesday, 28 September 2021

The Unexpected

 Today I woke up to a fb friends request from a woman who was or still is the partner of a remarkable man I met online. I believe the man may have passed, but I cant be sure. How can you be sure of anything on fb ? He was an Alchemist, Occultist ect and taught me  about the rhythms of life and the Hermetic patterns that prevail through all, not that I could take on board the vast subject but some things stuck. I was only friends with him for about 12 months and as he was in ill health this gave me a feeling the things he recalled from throughout his life on his page were a last hoorah. 

The key idea that did take root was " the serpent " of force. Basically events meander from one extreme to the other over time, and that we maybe anywhere on the hair pin bending road. He hinted that there was a way to take a short cut across the bends and avoid the extra miles of deviation that would eventually lead to the same point anyway. Its an intriguing idea but Im guessing to take such actions may require some maverick actions. Yes, he did read my blog sometimes and even left the odd comment.

I remember last December 9th I heard two loud bangs in my thoughts as I lay in bed. It was unlike any noise ive heard before. It was inside my head and had no connection to my ears. Somehow I feel a connection from this to what Ive discussed above. I maybe wrong.

Project Pitchfork - Ascension feat. Sue

Came across this on You Tube. Rather good... and why do I always write the o and u the wrong way around when typing the word " you " ?  Actually this song is awesome. I like the way the music rises and falls. Those moments of change remind me very much of  the music of a DJ called Gigi D'agostino whom I love so much.

Monday, 27 September 2021

This face has turned up 3 times in different mediums in as many days.


Sunday, 26 September 2021

The Invisible Blog

 I wonder if I should start another December Descent blog this winter ? I cannot explain how frustrating it was to not be able to share the posts as they appeared on the blog as the address could not be found online. I did however put each post on this blog, but it was just not the same, as aesthetically the December blog captured the spirit of December and add that just really worked for me, and only me unfortunately. Also when all the posts are viewed together a clear picture emerges of a growing darkness that finally breaks cover and appears to be named " Catherine " Its funny how keeping a diary of posts regarding a certain subject can illuminate what we would other wise over look. Joining the dots as they say is a good analogy. Its like a filter and I filtered well as I only posted when something really impacted on me.

Several posts were of songs which oddly appealed to me, but captured that bitter sweet month or so. Im going to try and sort out an address or link that works. It was a bit weird as I kept trying different addresses but none would appear when searched for. I was very tired at the time and I got into one of those frantic moods that only blogger can cause when you just get lost in trying to get your blog to look the way you want and adjusting the visuals late at night and messing it up is what Im good at. I'll call it blogger

Ive been thinking recently about December coming again and all the stress it causes me. So much just goes wrong around Christmas for me. I made a list in one post and it was ridiculous. There is a darkness that descends here then and I can feel the start of it now outside at tonight. The wind that blows through the trees at night heralding a change in atmosphere, a tightening of tension. The affect is cumulative . Many things are cumulative, and its something rarely mentioned but is so important as the effect of seemingly trivial events are seen in their true nature and with their true gravity. Often others looking on can never see this. As an exercise the blog was more illuminating than I ever could have hoped and I wonder what I may learn this year ?

Thursday, 23 September 2021

The Curse of the Golden Eagle

Ive been watching these stories all summer, but this one stands out amongst other more subjective ones as the number of deaths connected to this car are recorded as stone cold facts, sadly. I find myself enjoying this simple verbal style of story telling without the distraction of special effects. The narrators usually examine the facts objectively at the end of the video suggesting alternative more mundane explanations for the bizarre happenings, but in this case there is little to pick at.

Monday, 20 September 2021

I have a confession, cough, cough...

 I have a confession to make. The photo I previously took turned out to be a leaf. Erm, yeah. Things got more embarrassing when a man whom I presume is my new neighbour came out side and stood watching me take another photo. Great. Now Im the weirdo next On a brighter note I didnt speak to him or explain what I was doing. Only now I feel awkward just glancing over our yard wall at the manor house and feel he could be watching me at anytime. I got so used to just staring over the wall at the house and surmising and day dreaming. Its always been a part of me even and especially during my childhood. 

Soon it will be time to meet the couple officially and the conversation will inevitably turn to the houses reputation which will see me spout with gusto about crazy sounding things. I wonder how they will take this ? If they are sceptics then they wont be for long, and when the windows start opening themselves over night they are going to be asking questions. I hope they are ready for the water shenanigans that will wreck the place periodically. No matter how much money you have you wont control water here. It will be their down fall.

Saturday, 18 September 2021

Just like in the beginning...

 Today I made a return to my old form affecting and changing an awkward situation for the time I was exposed to it, and only for that time. A brief window of control was activated by a new method. A new magick. Nothing gives you that feeling of having restacked the cards in your favour for a while. That odd feeling of bending reality. The glee. The dare I say it the kudos ? Sometimes a man needs a hand in his bidding even if this means a short shelf life. Im tired now. Good night...

New skies

Its not just my imagination. Its been 20 months now. The sky is a lighter blue and the clouds whiter and lighter. Rain soon passes away. Gone are the wet weeks. We get the wet day now instead. The wet week was a moral destroyer and even worse the wet month. 

The hills here looked unfamiliar this spring. The textures they normally carry have changed. Everything feels new. 


I know nothing of the technical dangers of receiving the vaccine, oddly. I base my judgement on 100% instinct and that instinct tells me it is wrong. Very wrong. What I am so damn sick of is people thinking once they have had the jab they are safe and wont spread the bug. Wrong, wrong, wrong. You will still get ill if you catch Covid and you will still spread it. I further more cannot justify taking a rushed vaccine to avoid a 0.5% chance of death, even if everyone tells me Im wrong and I do mean everyone. At least my work does not require me to tow the line unlike many I know.


Friday, 17 September 2021

Motörhead - I Don't Believe A Word


Ive been listening to this song a lot recently. The lyrics remind me of how ive felt so offended by lockdown . Ive also been watching posts on YouTube about parallel dimensions that are thought to run alongside each other with wafer thin divisions allowing slippage between some them at any give time. Speaking of which there is a new Matrix film coming out this December. The first film for a long while that I actually have a desire to see. Well, apart from the upcoming film Emily that was filmed next door last spring. No doubt it will be full of " woke " malarkey, it being about the life and times of Emily Bronte. Well it cant really be any other way given the subject matter of those dark bleak days and the subject matter of her novel Wuthering Heights. It will be interesting either way.

Night filming last May

As I work with nature Ive noticed some very odd things these last 18 months, the first of which is how the sky has changed. Not only has the weather been fantastic since planes stopped flying so much, but the sky is now a lighter blue and the clouds more wispy. I guess they are holding less moisture ? They are not the same billowy dark type we used to get as summer began and spring ended. I mentioned this change to my uncle and he said skies were like this in 60's which I found very interesting. Im no environmentalist but this change seem too much to be explained away as coincidence. There again my uncles comment fascinates me...

This summer during the hot weather my daughter swam in a river containing thousands of young fish fry. They showed no fear at all as they swam around her. In fact they nibbled at her feet. Ive never seen that happen apart from in the healing pools at Lordes on tv. It just didnt seem real. It would not have happened once. Nature seems be losing its fear of man. Maybe this is a product of the break it got during lockdown ? ? I know that wild goats in Wales were seen openly walking down the deserted streets as human traffic all but stopped.

Rather more worrying is the lack of fear and aggression shown by birds. We have a flock of Jackdaws which have lived here for as long as Ive been alive and they have taken to attacking me for several springs now, especially when rearing their young. Their fear of humans is waning. They are also becoming more nocturnal and not roosting even by 10pm. The flock is at times highly agitated and resemble a scene from Hitchcock's The Birds. Yes, they have definitely changed for the worse.

Well thats nature changing but this maybe a natural cycle or be caused by mans changing behaviour. Im sounding worryingly like an environmentalist but sometimes your observations just challenge your preconceptions like an " inconvenient truth " That aside personally Ive found nothing feels the same after lock-down. Even returning to old rhythms of yearly touch point events just doesnt give me the same satisfaction anymore. Not surprising considering the loss of momentum these restrictions have caused. Funny thing momentum as someone once told me the power when something stops after having happened for a long while has to go somewhere as energy cannot be destroyed, it carries on somewhere reinventing its self.

Im not sure about dimension changes but I like the idea. One things for sure, nothing is the same anymore...

Tuesday, 14 September 2021

Promise you, it happened true...

However unlikely this may sound it is true. Ive often found livestock auctions to "manifest " some very strange instances and synchronicities.  Today has been such a one. Today has also being a long noisy one. In fact 5 hours spent waiting for some sheep to be finally sold. However the appearance of a young woman of about 20 years old, dressed competently in black with beautiful long dark brown almost black hair and a very pale complexion quite took me aback. She was definitely a goth type and ive never seen such a woman at such a place before. She just looked so out of place though her father was a farmer. What really unnerved me was her height. She was just so tall. I think she maybe the tallest girl ive ever seen. It was just weird. I made a mental note to stop

A few days ago my daughter came with me to sell sheep for her first time. After a while she turned to me and said " Do you know the auctioneer has mentioned the name David about 5 times so far " It was true and they were different surnames to each " David " to. Again just weird. You know that feeling you get when something just isnt natural ?  1 time...2,3,4, its getting ridiculous. However I do know " like attracts like " as the following story indicates.

Although the following incident happened 5 years ago at the same auction it is as clear in my mind as yesterday. ( cliche alert ) A young woman I know who had  been recently married was stood by the livestock stock show ring looking increasingly uncomfortable. I watched her over the next 10 minutes as six women entered gradually one by one over that time carrying babies until she was completely surrounded by them. I knew she was desperate to conceive and was having trouble doing so hence I took this as the cause of her unhappy stressed state. Soon afterwards she did indeed fall pregnant. It seemed a synchronicity with bells on and at the time she no doubt saw it as a cruel one.

And Ive just remembered a numerology oddity regarding the great number 23 . This number occurs at tipping points and when circumstances end or change dramatically. All the sheep pass through the final pen 123 as they enter the sale ring and are sold. At this point they are about to leave your ownership. The fact 123 is printed on the wall at that location makes me smile every visit. I need to add that observation to my 23 labelled posts. Another cracker ?

So why of all things should a auction type of gathering cause such happenings ? Well there is a crowd to start with who are all focusing on one thing - an auctioneer. He is stood on a " rostrum " very much like a church pulpit. He is interacting back at the crowd rather like a preacher though Ive never seen anything bizarre like the above happen in a religious gathering. I think something is happening with the energy this circumstance is generating. Maybe a ratcheting up of force occurs like in a church ? After all " where two or three are gathered " Yes, thats half a quote but this idea is considered " a thing " outside of christian gatherings.

Anyway this post may see you thinking I spend a little too much time watching women at livestock And maybe your right.

Tuesday, 7 September 2021

Many a true word...?

This caught my eye on Face book tonight. Casts my mind back to the Zoom carol service last Christmas in which the name Catherine appeared randomly in some song lyrics. Can a group of like minded people gathered together in spirit channel such a thing and if so what are the repercussions of a " book club " meeting up and all reading and discussing the same novel for instance at the same time ?


Sunday, 5 September 2021

55 Times ?

I came across this random graffiti on the way home from my holiday in Scotland. Not your usual holiday scenic snaps but something I stumbled across in an unexpected almost accidental stop on the way home. Immediately this 55 Times jumped out at me as an online friend told me how when an event keeps on happening for say for example the 49th time or if it becomes the 50th time who keeps counting or even gets upset about it ?  Just let it go as nothing is going to change the pattern by this stage. I think the metaphor he used was a 49 slaps to the face turning to 50. What difference does one more make ? Im not sure what this graffiti is referring to though and Googling it has turned up nothing other than maths tables. As this writing occurred in a run down area maybe this bleak out look is truly the texts meaning ? 

Thursday, 2 September 2021

Who's in the house ?


This swing lid bin seems to be the centre of " unseen " activity in our house at the moment. I would say the kitchen bin lid swings itself smartly open by itself once a fortnight. Its quite startling to see as there is a definite intensity to the action that leaves you thinking someone has thrown something in. Once it even happened in slow motion, really slow and with a beautiful action that was not of this world such was its precision. Something was showing off. Or maybe time was being slowed down for me ? Anyway today the swinging bin opened by itself with a jolt in my shed, not the kitchen this time. So bins are a " thing " here. Weird, but what else do I expect living in a place like this ?

A genuine miracle. Period.


How did this kitch thing survive a raging inferno ? What am I babbling about ? Last Bonfire night I found this monstrosity totally intact on the edge of the fires ashes next morning. The fire was large and extremely intense containing tyres, waste fertiliser sacks ect. There was no way it could have survived without even a smudge of soot on it. Even the built in speaker of paper was undamaged. Wooden branches around it had not burnt either but even the heat should have melted it, and no it was not full of water then. A genuine miracle but to what avail ?! Oh, and as you can see its still fully functional !

I am finding that amazing things are happening through the kitch and the mundane. Take for instance my next post...