Friday, 23 April 2021

Wow !

 Romans in our cow pasture ?! Its hard to imagine, but a relic given to me this week more than suggests so. Given there is a Roman road a few hundred meters away then I guess its not so far fetched. Still it seems very surreal.

Unfortunately there is a sad story behind this item. For several years a trio of metal dectecorists have visisted our farm each spring. One of the trio appeared in our yard  a couple of days ago and told me how his friend whom he used to accompany here every spring had sadly commited suicide, hence he was giving away or selling his late friends metal detecting finds. The man had left behind a wife and five children.

Its strange to think of a series of events that lead to an item landing in your hands...Said item is thought to be part of a broach. Other itens found include payment tokens from 13th century that were used instead of money until a worker had finished his job. On leaving he could exchange it for money. This was designed to stop people spending all their earnings on drink halfway through a job !

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