Friday, 30 April 2021

They fall like dominos

 All my family have had the vaccine without hesitation and what has really prompted me to post tonight is the fact that my wife is getting her jab on Sunday. Of course I am angry about this and I'd be lying if I denied a growing feeling of isolation. The thing is I cant believe that people in general just accept this past 12 months and automatically see an injection as a silver bullet for all our conceived  social woes. Its frightening how 12 months of fear has annihilated any questioning or the ability to make a stand against this threat most havent seen. Just the other night I spoke to a relation who knew a funeral undertaker and he said he had a quieter than normal last 12 months ! So I think we can see that locally the death rate has been lower than normal ?! Even official stats show 99.5 % of people get a non lethal out come so why should I want a rushed vaccine ?

I have relations who didnt want to have the vaccine but partners or work commitments pressured them into it. Its funny how even those people seemed to find a reason to have it. They chose to have it in the end. Its just depressing really.

Things got worse for me online this week as a fb friend told me that there were tags on my anti global warming and Covid posts leading viewers to " official alternative " sites. Is this how fb tackle so called " fake news ? " Since when the hell does fb do that behind a users back ? Are they now setting the new reality ? Too late, the answer is a big fat YES.

The net is closing in and I think being able to sit on the fence about these issues will soon be at an end. I dont care who tracks my online spoutings as I have no professional reputation to protect and that is another reason people dont speak out. Fear of what work may say. Who cares what a farmer in the middle of nowhere says anyway ? lol 

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