Can one fall in love with a car ? Here is another post that some people may think is a piss take as they say, but there is more to this than meets the eye. So tomorrow I am test driving the BMW again ( yes, I know I slagged it off ) After I returned the car the first time I experienced a strange emotion a few days later. I got a definite emotion of being in love. I was embarrassed to even admit this to myself as I kind of thought the car could be the reason for this somehow. So absurd was this to think that I certainly told no one else !
Anyway a week later and I phone my Uncle for a catch up as I havent seen him for nearly a year due to Covid. Now he is a BMW obsessive and on hearing I had test drove one proceeded to give me about 20 minutes of advice over the phone, and among this diatribe was the fact that both BMW and Mercedes have been known in the past to engineer their cars to sound like a woman making love. Things such as the engine tone and induction noise... In fact he said they purposely try and subconsciously influence people into triggering the falling in love effect as a sales ploy. Now I would normally have laughed at such an idea, but I must say I am now more than convinced this is true !
Stranger still though was what happened on the phone when I ordered the car. A receptionist called me Richard just before she thanked me and said goodbye. My Uncles name is Richard. What are the odds of that ? Oh, and the women manning the phones have the most sexy voices Ive heard and the mind races...Maybe this whole car buying carry on is getting to me a little to much ? But is there any wonder if the illogical emotions of love are anything to go by ? How have I come to this ?!
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