A blasting eqinoxial gale married with heavy squally showers of freezing cold rain. There is something about this time of year that makes me think nature has a blood lust to kill. You can literally feel this if you caught out in an exposed location during a squal. The feeling grows stronger the higher the ground you are on. Its all about the moment and realizing you are so small and weak compared to the storm. Saturated muddy ground offers nothing to man nor beast. Weak animals do not survive this month and its a cruel lesson to watch unfold. Nature doesnt give a damn and even man seems to be granted no favours. Nature is angry and maybe this is a blow off before the gentle mercy of spring ?
Its in these extreme moments that life becomes seemingly so simple - survive. There is however the finest hint of Winter waning and just enough growing day light to allow some optomism mingled with frustration, and its this I think that triggers a rage in people. A raw enegry is surfacing and as ive written before this prompts people to start planning and looking ahead once again. Add this to 12 months of repression and there is a ticking time bomb as events on the UK news will have proved this weekend. People just need a cause to rally behind and a Policeman who murders a woman and then said force cracking down on women protesting, dragging them away in cuffs is more than enough for most people to totally feel vindicated to let rip.
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