Saturday, 27 March 2021

The next chapter

 Im in a melacholy mood tonight. The clocks are going forward and lighter nights herald the coming of spring, as does the start of lambing time on the farm. I was sad to learn my nieghbour has sold her " mansion " and has suddenly moved away. She had an understanding of the subjects in this blog and often gave me insights into her thinking. It was nice thinking she lived just next door as this area can be very lonely. There are some lyrics that come to mind from a Garbage song about how everyone " has died, moved on or just forgot to stay " In her place we now have a couple of " means " as in he is a finacial consultant and she an editor. No doubt they will throw a mountain of money at the old house. I hope they have strong That reminds me that one former interested party was an organization that wanted a property for people with mental disturbances in which they could relax and recover. I dont think that would have worked out well !

This week on monday morning at 7am sharp the film crew carpenters and workmen arrived. Cue a powerful bandsaw and a generator as big as car thats running 24hours a day. A memeber of the production crew came to see me. Interestingly a feature film is being made and not a mini series for Netfix as was the rumour. Incredibly the woman in charge of filming did not know the buildings history and rumoured connections to Wuthering Hieghts ?! It was all a strange coincedence... Like im buying that, come on !

Sunday, 21 March 2021

It happens. It happens a lot...


Im finding that when I throw the soap down after washing my hands that it un-naturally lands in this unright position. It seems as though my movements are subcontiously causing this as you couldnt do this if you tried to. Also there is an air of divination about it. I am changing and it begs the question WHO AM I REALLY ?  This photo was taken in our utilty room hence the grubby bowl...


Saturday, 20 March 2021

Things are about to get crazy here ?

 Well Monday sees the start of filming next door. Quite excited to see what effects the filming of a novel in the house that inspired it will conjure up. What will be if any the magical effects of people in said location performing the story ? How will this effect the past souls who inhabited this house ? How will they take this ? The novel was inspired by true events, but several supernatural events in the novel manifest here still today. Were they placed in the novel because they were experienced here or are they happening here because they have been written so in the story ? 

A while ago I wrote about how I could give up control of my hand and arm to a seemingly unseen force. The entity calls its self by a surname in the novel. He signals he is male and last night shook my hand. This is a new part of me and it seems to be under control, but what if these temporay forays into my body become involuntary ? I feel maybe some " automatic writing " using this method could be interesting. Ive suspected for a long while I am surrounded by unseen forces. I am also reminded that everything starts of " nicey, nicey " before true intentions are revealled and I guess sprits are no different to humans in that respect. Part of me thinks these movements are my subcontious physically manifesting. I think that idea scares me

Wednesday, 17 March 2021

Mötley Crüe - Merry-Go-Round (Official Audio)

We cant escape our cycles. Some things are doomed and destined to be. With me its mechanical car trouble. It matters not how much I spend. I spent yesterday taking a tyre into town from my new car to be fixed. Got home ( 40 mile round journey ) to find the tyre was ready to pick up. Went back again for it as I had the time and opportunity. Got to garage only to be told wheel was buckled. Now im trying to claim on my warranty and car is jacked up like my old one often is. This is the exact situation I was trying to free myself from. It all sounds trivial as far as troubles go but the fact ive spent serious money trying to escape this kind of crap I am still scrabbling around jacking up cars. Im facing up to the cat  ( i typed cat ?!  that should be " fact " ) that there maybe very little worth investing time or money in anymore.

Sunday, 14 March 2021

The Ideas of March Again ?

 A blasting eqinoxial gale married with heavy squally showers of freezing cold rain. There is something about this time of year that makes me think nature has a blood lust to kill. You can literally feel this if you caught out in an exposed location during a squal. The feeling grows stronger the higher the ground you are on. Its all about the moment and realizing you are so small and weak compared to the storm. Saturated muddy ground offers nothing to man nor beast. Weak animals do not survive this month and its a cruel lesson to watch unfold. Nature doesnt give a damn and even man seems to be granted no favours. Nature is angry and maybe this is a blow off before the gentle mercy of spring ?

Its in these extreme moments that life becomes seemingly so simple - survive. There is however the finest hint of Winter waning and just enough growing day light to allow some optomism mingled with frustration, and its this I think that triggers a rage in people. A raw enegry is surfacing and as ive written before this prompts people to start planning and looking ahead once again. Add this to 12 months of repression and there is a ticking time bomb as events on the UK news will have proved this weekend. People just need a cause to rally behind and a Policeman who murders a woman and then said force cracking down on women protesting, dragging them away in cuffs is more than enough for most people to totally feel vindicated to let rip.

Thursday, 11 March 2021

Saturday, 6 March 2021

The strangest thing I've EVER posted here ?

 Can one fall in love with a car ? Here is another post that some people may think is a piss take as they say, but there is more to this than meets the eye. So tomorrow I am test driving the BMW again ( yes, I know I slagged it off ) After I returned the car the first time I experienced a strange emotion a few days later. I got a definite emotion of being in love. I was embarrassed to even admit this to myself as I kind of thought the car could be the reason for this somehow. So absurd was this to think that I certainly told no one else !

Anyway a week later and I phone my Uncle for a catch up as I havent seen him for nearly a year due to Covid. Now he is a BMW obsessive and on hearing I had test drove one proceeded to give me about 20 minutes of advice over the phone, and among this diatribe was the fact that both BMW and Mercedes have been known in the past to engineer their cars to sound like a woman making love. Things such as the engine tone and induction noise... In fact he said they purposely try and subconsciously influence people into triggering the falling in love effect as a sales ploy. Now I would normally have laughed at such an idea, but I must say I am now more than convinced this is true !

Stranger still though was what happened on the phone when I ordered the car. A receptionist called me Richard just before she thanked me and said goodbye. My Uncles name is Richard. What are the odds of that ? Oh, and the women manning the phones have the most sexy voices Ive heard and the mind races...Maybe this whole car buying carry on is getting to me a little to much ? But is there any wonder if the illogical emotions of love are anything to go by ? How have I come to this ?!