Thursday, 10 March 2016

Tales of the unexpected theme

I am currently enjoying watching the 70's British chiller series Tales of the Unexpected. The theme music still haunts me as it reminds me of my childhood which was very much overshadowed by living next door to a haunted manor house and living on a haunted farm. I am now once again living there as time has brought me back to roost again. This melody really captures how those dark childhood days felt.

  Anyway today one of the spin offs of watching this series is seeing how the episodes  were often filmed in winter and on very grey still afternoons. I take a very strange pleasure in watching the capturing of that days weather on film so long ago. A day that has long gone, but even its capture on film makes me feel melancholy. I felt that way in childhood about the weather and I get that feeling again now when watching this program. Its hard to explain.

  The opening title sequence was a series of various images that included tarot cards. For some very strange reason and totally by chance this clip just repeats the cards and nothing else. I don't know why. The cards are very relevant to me at this time and ive noticed them for a while as part of the titles. I know little of the cards meanings and ive never had them dealt but I do know the meanings of these cards as they came up in an online search to do with the number 23. Basically I see the end of a part of my life, the need to slow down and take stock and the search for a substantial person of organization to guide me or mould me. So that's a change of direction then. This is the only way forward as where I was at was killing me. Magick can give you help in the direction you want to attain, but whats the point if it damages you ? To grow to handle a situation must surely be done FIRST ? Well guess what ? Im now getting closer to that stage.

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