Friday, 18 March 2016

Stand aside

One of the most disturbing things that ive come to realise is that there are specific times when a well organised force can descend upon a person or area and begin to slowly dissolve it. No action can stop it. No logic is of any use, or even reason. It is just something trying to END. Some say these forces have a name. I care not as I see their work all around me everyday. Most are too asleep to see them or to run down to acknowledge them. This doesn't matter though as the outcomes will still be the same - IMPROVEMENT , even though it will hurt.


  1. I am going through that right now. I am leaving south in a few weeks so it doesn't matter anymore, but it's just strange how it's really all coming together right now as I've tried really hard to try going back to work but "something" doesn't seem to want to let me anymore.

  2. That's a good idea. Keep in touch. Im interested as to how it will feel for you to return South again. Yes, that quite a step, but I know when these things set in then all other options will disappear one by one...
