Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Cutting To The Chase

Im very tired tonight, and its been a very strange week. Probably only one person will understand what Im about to write without calling me insane. Yesterday, I wrote quite an eloquent piece about how a falling branch nearly wiped me out. Im too tired to wax lyrical about it again as I accidentally deleted it last night. Lets just say the incident has rattled me.
  For a few weeks now I have seen singular very small feathers fall in front of my eyes. At first I thought it was just dust ect, but after 3 times I could clearly see a tiny feather. Where they came from and whether they were " real " or ethereal as Orbs I don't know. Were they a warning of what was to come ? I don't know.
  Today I got another shock. A close friend of my parents lost his Wife this morning. The air ambulance came after he found her dead. They often visited my parents, and were well known in the dale. In fact a sad atmosphere seems to be hanging over the village tonight... Or maybe that's just because I have the house to myself tonight. This womans death has shocked me as I know how lucky to escape death I have been due to the falling branch. I feel maybe she was taken as I escaped as such. I feel no guilt, but am disturbed if these ideas are connected. Things work in a disturbing way in this dale. There have been some very odd deaths indeed. But that's for another post.
  I guess whats really eating me is that this woman was from my parents generation, and I must face the fact that their days are numbered. I mean it could be tomorrow as todays events have proved. Im scared really. No, there are no fancy cure alls here.
  Im seeing some crazy synchronicities to  do with numbers and countries. These grow. Even a films image has been repeated 3 times in various medias that could not be orchestrated. Maybe the universe is reflecting my thoughts and manifesting them back at me, or something is lining these images up for me ? It grows more intense.
  Several weeks ago I photographed an Orb that seemed to mimick my facial features. Was this a forewarning I was about to pass over potentially ? My dreams are strangely vague and disturbing, tepidly disturbing and prolonged. They never reach a head. This has been going on for months. Anyway Ive booked a holiday and yes, im leaving on the 23rd of May. Sounds about End of ramble. Tired.

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