Sunday, 4 January 2015


There is something unworldly about this picture. For starters you are a little too close to the action, and this immediately unbalances you. You are so close that the enemy Knight is not entirely in frame. In fact you are dangerously and recklessly close behind him. You are part of the battle scene no less. Add to this the elevation of the hills behind, and the atmosphere becomes even more intense as this furthers our homing in on the combatants. The chalk used to draw this picture adds a dream like feel to it, and captures the irreality and fantasy of this fight scene. I love it. It captures the spirit of combat in a ghost like way. It really doesn't get any better than this.


  1. Yes, there is something rather moving about it...literally as appears they are in a constant motion.

  2. I like the glow in the sky on the horizon as well. I adds a realistic feel to the whole scene. This picture is obsessing me at the moment.
