Wednesday, 17 December 2014

I feel a bit unwell tonight as ive finally had to admit something. In fact as I realised the following statement I cut myself shaving. Basically ( and it turns my stomach to admit this ) everything is connected. The people ive come across in life all have connections between each other. It gets worse as these connections are often included to some degree in classic novels and their plot lines. Its sounds mad, but its true and ive seen enough to convince myself. Why has no one ever spoke about this ?? O.k ive simplified this fact as im not able to really explain it in the manner it deserves. All life is connected some what as a pattern or web.


  1. Yes, it is true. It is almost as if we are all living archetypes or something. There are probably other realities and dimensions that also intertwine with ours and somehow affect one another. I know most people would scoff at what I say, but I think I agree here.

  2. Thank-you for that comment. I thought you might understand. Its a mad world.
