Saturday, 9 August 2014

Tonight as the moon is full somewhere out of site, I find myself becoming someone else. All my pleasures have been eroded. Im tired, there is no time anymore. Parts of me are just too much trouble to keep going, and whats left is purely by default.
  Several years ago I knew I was not the person I was going to need to be in the near future. I knew what I needed , but it was a world away and I could not reach it. The journey to become the person I needed to be to survive was inacted through the people ive met and vibed with. They were essential stepping stones. Each killed me a little until I was weak enough to just accept this new life style I am forced to endure for the next umpteen decades.
 This is why Im such bad company at the moment..... However as neutered and spayed as I feel, there are new parts to replace the old. This blog documents them .
 Yes, synchronicitys are to be expected around and before time of mental upheaval. If you've played your part in pushing me onto the next level then you have my deepest affections, male or female, I shall always remember you all : )

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