Sunday, 31 August 2014

What we forget ...

As I'm listening to a Radio 4 program about genetically adding genes to humans to prevent disease I found myself asking why we go to such lengths to cure some diseases, and why we find them so abhorrent and unacceptable in our modern world. I then remembered that their very existence was not to make our lives a misery, but to keep the majority healthy. If we were left to natures ravages  this would happen as Darwin new, though even he wrestled with the idea after the death of his offspring. Yes, disease is there for a reason,  and to go to such lengths to rid us of its blight could unleash bigger problems down the line. Of course Im a complete hypocrite saying this on the highest level as anyone who knows me will be now be thinking ! But its still true, everything on this earth and off it has a function however much it hurts us.

Saturday, 30 August 2014

Today water has started to force its way out of our taps at the farm with a groan, and this occurs at random. Meanwhile back at my house in the village with mains water a high pitched whistle accompanies turning on then taps. Something is close, maybe a mental leap or an understanding ? This has being building for two years.

On a different note nothing has gone right since I set of for Glastonbury last Spring. Several old situations in a monetary sense have reared their heads in situations I thought were long since dead and buried. I feel this is not a natural sequence of events, though ive seen others have bad runs of luck so maybe Im looking a bit too much into things. The vultures are gathering...

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Ive had a problem with water for a while now as you have no doubt gathered, but just recently its started to get quite lairy. In the Spring I visited Glastonbury, and of course our caravan shook and gurned when I turned on the taps. This was so pronounced that two connections shook loose spraying water across the kitchen. Mean while I have just returned from  a holiday in Scotland where yes, you've guessed it that caravan shook when I turned on the taps and was filled by an almighty groaning from the water pipes. Back at home on the farm the same phenomena is happening even more violently than normal. The fact this has happened in three locations from one end of the country to the other is not coincidence. Its growing more noisey, its becoming more violent, and it sounds like some things going to explode soon, in fact others are beginning to ask questions too. Fascinating if a little worrying.

Monday, 25 August 2014


Logic will not spare me from that which wants to be but cannot exist. That which has not form but produces its own shadow. No 28

Sunday, 24 August 2014


Here is a photo of Scotland's first Christian Church situated at the very unlikely Applecross, apparently founded by St Columba as he arrived on shore from Ireland . Applecross is very remote and situated over a very steep mountain pass. Not exactly an ideal place to start a Spiritual  mission from then ? Well sea travel was the preferred way to travel back then, so I guess the geography would not have been an obstacle and when viewed in its location to Ireland is just a hop across the Irish Sea. I do wonder whether the beautiful surroundings were taken into consideration back then as well though ? Its remoteness would have helped protect, but there again it didn't stop the Vikings from raiding ! Run to the hills would have been my moto.
  I know its a cliché but there is a deep peace in this Church and ive only just worked out why. Inside is very sparse. The floor is wooden but un-polished and is the colour of white seasoned drift wood as are the wicker chairs which are used for occasional services. The walls are pointed with lime and are bare stone. THERE ARE NO CROSSES OR RELIGIOUS SYMBOLS ANYWHERE ( except for a Bible ) In fact I found a large painting of Jesus dumped behind some pews on an upper balcony.
  Why is this strange and of relevance ? Well my Uncle came across a very old angry man a couple of years ago cursing at this painting and saying it should be taken down. This quite rattled my Uncle at the time, and struck him as bizarre. Well, someone has taken the old mans views to heart it seems...but WHY ? The atmosphere reminds me of a Buddhist temple due to the sparse interior. Maybe there is something pre-Christian lingering here that wont just lie down ???

Saturday, 23 August 2014

I have just returned tonight from my traditional Scottish holiday, and this year I bought these fantastic candle sticks from a bric a brac shack on the Isle of Skye. Every year I sense there is something for offer there with my name written on it as they say, and this year was no different...

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

The not so Social Network

I'll be honest, Ive never really understood the idea of facebook, well I understand the idea, its just how far short its users fall in utilising its full potential. People are far too insular on there. I only have one friend ( who is going through a crisis ) who makes any kind of human input into his status updates. He gets criticised for it, he's told its not appropriate...
  Life would be so much better if more people shared their experiences, especially in a crisis as I expect someone else will often be reading who has, had or is soon to experience something similar. Maybe less people would be on medication for mental problems if they shared their thought and feelings a little more often on line.
  The next generation are awful on there. Its all vain profile photo's and 50+ likes chasing. Im sick of it and may block anyone under 16 soon as they are highly stupid and annoying. Maybe Im getting older ?

Monday, 11 August 2014

No, I cant sleep tonight. Maybe its because I slept for an hour when I came home from work. Maybe its because I read Lovecraft tonight, maybe its the moon tonight that is shining so bright tonight like a light bulb in the sky. Maybe its because of the hour long program about people who have seen ghosts bearing their testimony on Radio 4 that's just finished or maybe it was that big chip butty of homemade chips ive had. My mind keeps thinking of how the Glastonbury Tor and surrounding countryside will be looking in the moon light and also how the moonlight will be falling on a certain water garden in that area, a place I felt a terrible presence in . Yes, there could be any number of reasons for my mood tonight. Im waiting in expectation of something as well...

Saturday, 9 August 2014

Tonight as the moon is full somewhere out of site, I find myself becoming someone else. All my pleasures have been eroded. Im tired, there is no time anymore. Parts of me are just too much trouble to keep going, and whats left is purely by default.
  Several years ago I knew I was not the person I was going to need to be in the near future. I knew what I needed , but it was a world away and I could not reach it. The journey to become the person I needed to be to survive was inacted through the people ive met and vibed with. They were essential stepping stones. Each killed me a little until I was weak enough to just accept this new life style I am forced to endure for the next umpteen decades.
 This is why Im such bad company at the moment..... However as neutered and spayed as I feel, there are new parts to replace the old. This blog documents them .
 Yes, synchronicitys are to be expected around and before time of mental upheaval. If you've played your part in pushing me onto the next level then you have my deepest affections, male or female, I shall always remember you all : )

We are most close to those  we do not confer with, for when we are given the chance too do just that, we find just how distant they've become...

Thursday, 7 August 2014

A lunar high

Im starting to get that buzzy feeling as the moon grows. Odd ideas pop into my head, my mind set is on acid. I love the moon for this. The season she reveals herself has started. Cue still nights and calm skies.

Breath In / Breath Out

The world is like a lung. There is the inhale of air : BIRTH , COMPASSION, FAMILY, SPIRITUALITY...


Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Just a bit of fun...

How I laughed as I set off for my holiday in Glastonbury, I decided to check my bank balance...  :  )

23 in Agriculture !!!

Today I had two great examples of the number 23 occurring in two very different circumstances in which a crisis had been or was very near. Change and thought was needed as too the future options.

The first was a breed of sheep on the farm that were preforming worse every year. A cull was needed of the oldest sheep, or even a complete abolition of the breed was considered due to the hassle they were causing. We decided to sell the worst ones and were left with, yes 23 correct sheep. Off they went to higher ground to regain weight to live and breed another day...

The second gave me quite a shock. It was a figure quoted for the total cost that a piece of equipment had caused over its lifetime. Again the time was approaching in which we thought that something really needs to change here and it cant go on like this in the future . The figure came to exactly 23...

That Which I Fear Has Come Upon Me

Last November I was involved in a road accident. An Insurance man came to see me today to go over the details as a personal injury claim is being made against me it now seems. I recalled for him the whole scenario which led to a man running into on coming traffic. Bizarrely I actually avoided crashing into his parked car previously. Still due to his panic an accident still occurred. It was out of my hands. The insurance man after writing out his report strangely said twice to me  " Its as though you walked into a trap that day " Yes the events leading up to the accident were many and sequenced. The final act of his panicking and running into traffic and being injured seemed pronounced and a last ditch attempt at disaster. Do disasters have to happen sometimes ? You can never avoid disaster caused by another. Now that's scary...