Friday, 6 January 2012

Wuthering / weather and the world.....

Its a Wuthering Hieghts type night up here . The mist is low. Its drizzeling and coming in dark . Today has been brighter though and it was fresh and cool although the day has ended warm and damp . British weather can vary from morning to night . The set weather patterns of large countries must be so different and predictable . I wonder how they affect the mind set of thier population ? If at all ? Mmmm i'll never know wiil I ? Does the changable weather unsettle us more  ? Is it why we are obsessed with war and fighting and generally buggering around in the world ? If our weather had long periods of the same i think we would be more inward looking and plan more easily in our own lives instead of forcefully changing others as if butter wouldnt melt in our mouthes.....

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