Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Heres some esoteric totty to cheer me/you up Morgan Le Fay !

Monday, 23 January 2012

The moral maze

Its funny how times change . Back in Dion Fortunes day her views on the power women held in relationships was deemed very controversial , not her occult views or way out theory's . These were actually quite fashionable .Nowadays its the other way round . In fact many relationships back then would have seen you locked up today ! And some relationships today would have seen you locked up back then ! So my friends which view is right ???? An inconvenient ambiguity . A lot of morality is fashion based and on a whim of those bearing the current moral cosh which they smash with great vigour on the unfortunate individual who is currently out of line with popular thinking .....

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Nothing to see here , move along ....

Well never a dull moment in Dent . Last full moon a little over a week ago someone I knew spontaneously combusted . Yes really ! Now a resident  has set off to his sisters in Dent and  has disappeared on the way .  The  police are still searching for him ... He has committed suicide apparently it now appears . Heres a list of bizarre deaths for you  all in Dent in past three years

1 ) Woman swept away and drowns in her car at Barth bridge (year ago last winter )    Water
2) Suicide by hanging ( year ago last summer )  Air
3)Man spontaneously com busts ( last week )     Fire
4) Cyclist hist concrete post ( last summer )
5) Fatal car accident ( last summer )                 Earth    

On a happier note ??  A rash of pregnancy are due about now . Is this a re balancing ? Funny co no one seems to be laughing now .....

Friday, 13 January 2012

Its that time of year again.....

A sharp crack of the back door latch has just sounded. Of course when i go to investigate no one is there . Like i said this sort of thing happens in January . Usually as the days brighten . Ive grown up with it so its fine by me .   " Will somebody let her in "  LOL

Wednesday, 11 January 2012


A most dispicable crime has taken place . A boy was tortured and beat to death by relatives who thought he was a witch . This happened in Britain . A hammer ,iron bar and pliers were used . The very worst , horrific killings seem to be reserved to by carried out by people of a certain  ******  . You know what i mean......

Friday, 6 January 2012

Wuthering / weather and the world.....

Its a Wuthering Hieghts type night up here . The mist is low. Its drizzeling and coming in dark . Today has been brighter though and it was fresh and cool although the day has ended warm and damp . British weather can vary from morning to night . The set weather patterns of large countries must be so different and predictable . I wonder how they affect the mind set of thier population ? If at all ? Mmmm i'll never know wiil I ? Does the changable weather unsettle us more  ? Is it why we are obsessed with war and fighting and generally buggering around in the world ? If our weather had long periods of the same i think we would be more inward looking and plan more easily in our own lives instead of forcefully changing others as if butter wouldnt melt in our mouthes.....

Syria today

Pro " Democracy" terrorists . The Wests nemesis . Totally incomprehensible ,  the ultimate ambiguity. so we'll just look the other way thanks...... la la la la i cant here you no ,no la la la dee  dee da.........

Thursday, 5 January 2012

Double jeopardy-double bullshit

We have all had our attention drawn to the Stephen Lawrence " re-trial "  Two men were tried for the murder 15 years ago at least , at great expense and at great public pressure too . They were found innocent of the murder back then . So much so a new law was brought in so the courts could  try people found innocent a second time in the future . No new evidence has come forward this time round . No new witnesses found either.
 The people who welded the knife and murdered  are still free after these to men go to jail purely for being at the scene . But what else did you expect ? This is double jeopardy at its worst . The lawyers and police must love it . Everyone is happy though and thats the thing . Thats enough nowadays . Media ,police, black Londoners all clamouring for this "fudge" As  Mr Creedy would have said " Disgusting "   ( V for Vendetta )

Sunday, 1 January 2012

Christmas song ( rude version )

And now the rude version ( but you gotta love Ikes verse ! )

Coming soon near you.....

I have in my possession a serious piece of powerful occult paraphernalia  ( joke ! ). I am of course talking about the Christmas cracker plastic cellophane " fortune fish " ( nothing to do with Dion LOL )  . You place the plastic fish on your palm and its movements predict your characteristics .  If the head and tail move your in love for example . If the tail moves your an independent type. You get the picture . It works and why i know not . It is however very consistent !