Thursday, 16 January 2025

What is it ?

This is what I woke up to this morning, at least 15 vapour trails covering the sky in our valley. They were all expanding into clouds. Later in the day while on a hill side my Dad turned to me and said " there is a sweet soapy smell in the air ". My sense of smell is not good, but even I had that thought earlier in the day. My daughter came home from school with, as she puts it " hay fever in the middle of January " Tonight my sinuses are fuzzy and my eyes a bit sore. My own voice is also resonating in my ear passages a little as well. There is no pollen in January.


  1. As usual, everyone at my workplace is sick again too. Now I feel "off" again. I"m so so so so tired of everyone being sick. Hopefully what you have is nothing major and you feel better soon. I also have the issue with my ear like you.

    1. Its just unsettling when some symptoms return. An anti-depressant keeps it from getting really bad, but the underlying cause could be many things including whats in the air. Its something im considering. Im glad im not working near crowds.
