Now here it gets weird. I was once told years ago that I smelt very strongly of flowers while in Cornwall by a passing old couple. That really amused them. Also a medium who visited the manor also said she could smell flowers when she visited the previous owner. This is a thing alright.
The plumber will have his work cut out for sure as water has a life of its own here. I doubt he realizes this yet, but the smell is a sign that things are not normal here.
Of course his wifes name is Bronte. Of course....
The new owners own a plantation as well. Of course....not a cotton one as the salves used to work on, but an olive one !
The Wuthering Heights story manifests locally for my family in other ways I dont feel comfortable printing. Its a curse.
The stories effects have nearly broken people and that includes myself.
You see Im trapped in a matrix or the echoes of one
So interesting, but I also understand your trepidation regarding this. I can respect that.