Friday, 26 July 2024

A fantastic summary of why magick works !

Mindset and the right drivers....

The Distressing Caroline Spencer Case

This is my new favorite channel. Whether the stories are true or not  none of us can say, but they are damn good yarns at the very least. 

He is also a fantastic story narrator. This story really spooked me tonight, especially the ending. I want to watch another now but my dreams are getting out of hand crazy at the moment. 

Friday, 12 July 2024

The 2024 Ford Capri - It's WORSE than we think - an insider speaks out

There is a strange wisp of " smoke " coming from the mans cap peak at 27 seconds in.

Its a complicated subject but each to their own. 

Personally it was medication that was my savior 

How crass I am..

Friday, 5 July 2024

The never ending story

By chance the husband of someone I used to know is working as a plumber at the manor house next door. Ive heard through the grape vine that during the gutting and redecorating of the building an over powering smell of lavender has permeated the building. Other strange things have happened but I have yet to hear what they are. 

Now here it gets weird. I was once told years ago that I smelt very strongly of flowers while in Cornwall by a passing old couple. That really amused them. Also a medium who visited the manor also said she could smell flowers when she visited the previous owner. This is a thing alright. 

The plumber will have his work cut out for sure as water has a life of its own here. I doubt he realizes this yet, but the smell is a sign that things are not normal here. 

Of course his wifes name is Bronte. Of course....

The new owners own a plantation as well. Of course....not a cotton one as the salves used to work on, but an olive one !

The Wuthering Heights story manifests locally for my family in other ways I dont feel comfortable printing. Its a curse.

The stories effects have nearly broken people and that includes myself.

You see Im trapped in a matrix or the echoes of one

Thursday, 4 July 2024