Wednesday, 12 June 2024

Its cold

Its freezing. Bloody freezing. Ive turned the heating back on. Most days its 10 degrees C in the morning and evenings. If were lucky we might see 14 degrees by mid-day. Ive never seen such a cold spell in June.

Saying that we have had an early spring due to a mild winter. Some plants that normally flower in July did so in late May. It actually feels more like Autumn this week and it messes with my mindset. 

There is an abundance of moisture in the air and all spring the sky was a mixture of expanding vapour trails, classic fluffy dark rain clouds and above them a strange grey haze that rarely cleared, even when the sun broke through. The drizzle was endless and demoralizing.

Apparently it has been the warmest or " hottest " as they are so keen to point out spring on record. Not that anyone agrees with that statement, but the mean temperature has been higher in Jan - March. This maybe only by a small amount but nature took note and re-acted. It was not enough for the average person to notice and the rain masked this fact too.

Its now a case of enjoying the sun when it appears and hoping for some normal weather ahead, but I worry what " they " might be doing in reaction to the " hottest spring on record " ? Actions are so easily justified when the environment is " at stake ".

Being on the dark side of the valley doesnt help either.


  1. I am sorry you have to deal with this weather, but it's so beautiful there. I feel as if I am familiar with that area for some reason. So pretty.

    1. At this time of year even I can see the beauty.
