Thursday, 27 June 2024

I remember walking across this bridge two summers ago. I walked to the far side and said to myself on the return crossing I must start to feel better once I'd returned to the side that I had set out from. I used the bridge as a metaphor. I was getting desperate. I never want to feel like that again.

Tuesday, 25 June 2024

Sunny day - potential tra- ge- day ?

 Last weekend during a nice sunny day out at a tourist attraction a disturbing potential accident was averted by only seconds, and it happened right next to me as I was relaxed and in a day dream.

The problem was that a couple with two toddlers took their eye off one of them and during those seconds he  managed to climb up a picnic seat and bench, and then on to the top of a wall. The horrifying thing was that on the other side of the wall was a 5 meter drop onto some stone flags. Only the parents frantic calls made him freeze and not crawl further off the edge. 

Now the problem I have here is that I was leaning on the wall in a daze looking at the view and the child was literally within touching distance. As a parent I felt shocked I had not been aware of the danger he was in. I then went on to imagine the scene if he had fallen and the effect it would have had on me.

The problem is, and this has happened several times to me personally is that even as you are relaxed and happy a fatal situation can suddenly erupt. The last time this happened was the run away tractor on a scenic summer nights drive. There is no escaping the fact that these instances keep happening but luckily by some miracle they are averted. Some have suggested it is good that these instances are averted as though a " guardian angel " is watching over me. He or she must be very busy then. Un- naturally so. 

Could you imagine the affect on my mental health if this situation had been fatal ? I need an outlook or philosophy to settle me and make some sense of this constant peril that seems to rear up randomly at any moment. And at what point do you say to yourself " this is getting out of hand ? ". And is it normal, and do other people experience this but just say nothing ? And why do people never share such instances ? Are they scared too ?

I often smile wryly to myself when I hear emergency sirens on a beautiful summers day. Despite the seemingly perfect  idyllic day some one, somewhere is having a very bad one.

Wednesday, 19 June 2024


Its been a dramatic day of activity in the sky. I'd say its been frantic. Ive felt quite excited to see evidence that is plainly not natural. I know we live under a a main flight path but there is no way that many planes have passed parallel to each other.

Meanwhile at the same time but looking in another direction...

And the final result by the evening. Its been quite an eye opener.

Wednesday, 12 June 2024

Baltimora - Tarzan Boy

Warning, this is a very random post. All spring this song has been cropping up on a YouTube music mix. It seems it was first released in 1985 and its always just been a song that plays in your mind or is never that far away from doing so if you know what I mean.

During lambing time I often hear sheep bleating in the field outside but I thought sometimes they sounded too close, as though one might have walked into the farm yard. It was only after about a month I realized this " bleating " was coming from the background of this song on the TV. You can hear it 32 seconds in and throughout the song. I thought I was going mad at first but it is used in the song rhythmically. How bizarre.

Now I also get why the song is called Tarzan Boy after seeing the very blurry primitive video and hearing that call in the chorus. Of course back in the 80's we didnt have MTV in our house. I think we had 4

Its cold

Its freezing. Bloody freezing. Ive turned the heating back on. Most days its 10 degrees C in the morning and evenings. If were lucky we might see 14 degrees by mid-day. Ive never seen such a cold spell in June.

Saying that we have had an early spring due to a mild winter. Some plants that normally flower in July did so in late May. It actually feels more like Autumn this week and it messes with my mindset. 

There is an abundance of moisture in the air and all spring the sky was a mixture of expanding vapour trails, classic fluffy dark rain clouds and above them a strange grey haze that rarely cleared, even when the sun broke through. The drizzle was endless and demoralizing.

Apparently it has been the warmest or " hottest " as they are so keen to point out spring on record. Not that anyone agrees with that statement, but the mean temperature has been higher in Jan - March. This maybe only by a small amount but nature took note and re-acted. It was not enough for the average person to notice and the rain masked this fact too.

Its now a case of enjoying the sun when it appears and hoping for some normal weather ahead, but I worry what " they " might be doing in reaction to the " hottest spring on record " ? Actions are so easily justified when the environment is " at stake ".

Being on the dark side of the valley doesnt help either.

Saturday, 8 June 2024

Offensive weapon

  Not sure what this means but a large group of Hindus or was it a Sikh family decanter-ed the vehicle.

Friday, 7 June 2024

When I'm Punching Nazis

Its amazing just how hateful liberal thinking people are. They are full of arrogance and have passions that blind all sense and understanding when debating with others. You are just simply wrong. Period.